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Gear Stick Thingamabob
MikeFellows - 16/5/11 at 03:05 PM

whats the thing called that goes on the chassis for the gear stick to attach to and also the push/pull cable so that I can make the gears work

retailers would be handy too


[Edited on 16/5/11 by MikeFellows]

jossey - 16/5/11 at 04:14 PM

sorry mike. your using to much techy speak for me.

Dave Johnson

Rod Ends - 16/5/11 at 04:15 PM


Johneturbo - 16/5/11 at 04:19 PM


scootz - 16/5/11 at 04:35 PM

Steady John... I thought pivot was a good suggestion!

Thurbs - 16/5/11 at 04:47 PM

I think the correct term your looking for is dooflop

Steve Hignett - 16/5/11 at 04:59 PM

U2U sent - (My sarcastic comments are often far too rude for public viewing )

Johneturbo - 16/5/11 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Steady John... I thought pivot was a good suggestion!

RichardK - 16/5/11 at 05:23 PM

doo dar? or gizmo?

mad-butcher - 16/5/11 at 05:44 PM

By a process of elimination ( the words push/pull cable ) it's a bike engine, so you could possibly mean BRACKET
[img] gear change fitted
gear change fitted

MikeFellows - 16/5/11 at 06:10 PM

i think pivot is the winner

scootz - 16/5/11 at 06:22 PM

... and the cable is a Bowden-Cable.