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Remote oil filter mounting position.
the_fbi - 13/9/06 at 07:54 PM

Have to say, service from Mocal/ThinkAuto is top drawer.

Parts ordered after 5:30 Monday, arrived today pre 12 and excellent value for money.


Normally the 919 oil filter is mounted at the bottom of the block and horizontal.

Now I'm going to remote mount it, if I have it higher, is there going to be an issue with oil draining out of it back into the block/sump and therefore for a few seconds after starting there be low oil pressure to the crank/etc whilst the oil purges the air out of the remote lines?

I'm presuming the filter is normally the first place the oil goes after sump/pump?

The alternative is mounting the remote filter below the normal position and then it'll be full of oil, but it'll also be closer to the ground, I don't think I can easily mount it no lower than the sump.

Where is the ideal height position in relation to the sump/pump?


mb893 - 14/9/06 at 06:43 AM

I asked that question of a mate that worked for Ricardo and Mathew at Think and they both said "should be fine".

I've got mine mounted just under the front top X member and it's been there for 2 years now with no problems at all:

Click for images

the_fbi - 14/9/06 at 07:23 AM

Originally posted by mb893
I've got mine mounted just under the front top X member and it's been there for 2 years now with no problems at all:

Well mine wasn't going to be anywhere near that high, so if thats OK then mine should be.

I was just going to mount it on the bottom chassis rail about a foot further forwards than it normally sits. So it'll be +-3" the same height as it sits normally.


roadboy - 14/9/06 at 07:30 AM

Most spin on filters have anti drain valves, look for rubber washer under hole, so it should be fine.

G.Man - 14/9/06 at 07:33 AM

The oil filter is situated in the oil flow after the pump, the oil cannot drain back to the sump via the pump, the system is fully pressurised after 2-3 rotations of the engine unless it has been standing for months.. In which case whip the plugs out, spin it over until the pressure light comes on then refit the plugs and start..