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Mazda mx-5 build using Haynes plans anything i need to know
NathanHellyer - 1/5/13 at 05:03 PM

I'm determined to have a Mazda mx-5 roadster. i read somewhere else on this forum that there is some design changes but they weren't very clear and its an old post so can anybody help me out?

rdodger - 1/5/13 at 05:33 PM

Haynes forum is a good place to start.

Are you going for a single donor MX5 based car? If so Diff mounts and upper rear wishbones are the biggest departure from the sierra car.

Phil @ Talon has done quite a bit of work recently getting the wishbones sorted so a message to him might help.

NathanHellyer - 1/5/13 at 05:44 PM

how different are the wish bones and diff mount

rdodger - 1/5/13 at 05:48 PM

Top rear wishbones are very short because the diff locate on long arms.

have a look here

NathanHellyer - 1/5/13 at 06:23 PM

Phil @ Talon is that the guy i could get help from

NathanHellyer - 1/5/13 at 06:26 PM

and does anybody know how much material i will need to order for Haynes chassis
25*25mm and 19*19 and 19mm tubing

Talon Motorsport - 1/5/13 at 07:07 PM

A few things you should know before you jump in both feet on an MX5 Haynes Roadster build. First of all neither the Saturn or the Vodou designs are complete when you down load them, there are various dimensions missing from the wishbones on the Saturn design and the rear coilover mountings where not placed on the Vodou version. Neither of them had a front mount for the diff provided in the drawings. The Saturn wishbones from an engineering point of view are very dubious if your welding is not up to it.
One of the problems with modding the Haynes chassis to take the MX5 diff is the mounting arms that result in very short top rear wishbones, the simple answer is to just lose the ali cast rear cover all together which makes it the same size as the Sierra item. This means a fabricated replacement is needed but not overly difficult to make, you can make MX5 parts fit on a near standard Haynes chassis with only small changes to the tunnel needed.

DavidM - 1/5/13 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by NathanHellyer
and does anybody know how much material i will need to order for Haynes chassis
25*25mm and 19*19 and 19mm tubing

There are materials lists in the Haynes roadster book.


NathanHellyer - 7/5/13 at 08:38 PM

so far i need to order six 6m lengths (£99.54) and will 2mm wall be enough
and one 1.5m , 3m, 6m again 2mm wall 14swg (£20.09)
note all steel is mild steel

DavidM - 7/5/13 at 09:53 PM

I used 1.6mm (16 swg) wall thickness for my original book chassis. I thought that was a bit thick in some areas, but it was the thickness specified. I can't see a thickness specified in the Chris Gibbs book, but I'd go for 1.6mm if I was building one.


NathanHellyer - 8/5/13 at 06:17 PM

is there anything wrong with using 2mm wall apart from added weight?

big_wasa - 8/5/13 at 06:35 PM

"To add speed, add lightness." - Colin Chapman

Slimy38 - 8/5/13 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by NathanHellyer
is there anything wrong with using 2mm wall apart from added weight?

I found the 2mm to be slightly more expensive than the 1.6mm. This is what I paid;

1" x 1" x 1.6mm ERW Tube x 6.1 M £10.90 each +VAT
3/4" x 3/4" x 1.6 ERW Tube x 6.1 M £7.95 each +VAT

I have 6 of the 1" and 2 of the 3/4", came to just under £100. The seller also let me pick a few odds and ends out of the waste skip for weld practice.

RichardRichard - 16/6/13 at 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Slimy38
Originally posted by NathanHellyer
is there anything wrong with using 2mm wall apart from added weight?

I found the 2mm to be slightly more expensive than the 1.6mm. This is what I paid;

1" x 1" x 1.6mm ERW Tube x 6.1 M £10.90 each +VAT
3/4" x 3/4" x 1.6 ERW Tube x 6.1 M £7.95 each +VAT

I have 6 of the 1" and 2 of the 3/4", came to just under £100. The seller also let me pick a few odds and ends out of the waste skip for weld practice.

Hi M8, I notice your only in Wolverhampton, where did you use for the steel?



scrappy_7 - 16/6/13 at 01:28 PM

I started our car with my 11 year old son he is now a mechanic and we have a great car ideal project best of luck

Slimy38 - 16/6/13 at 03:03 PM

Originally posted by RichardRichard

Hi M8, I notice your only in Wolverhampton, where did you use for the steel?



I went to Birmingham to Camp Steel. Very easy to get to.

I'm actually on the North side of Wolverhampton, in Featherstone. So really not very far from you.