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ZZR1400 Mini requires finishing for IVA test - suggestions please.
GBaggott - 15/3/10 at 11:22 AM

P clips on brake lines,
Wiring and electrical connecting and finishing. Only engine loom is connected and running.
Trim etc where required
All other stuff to pass IVA first time.

Suggestions for somebody to complete this work please. Rescued attachment Image0189.GIF
Rescued attachment Image0189.GIF

James - 15/3/10 at 11:27 AM

Nate (NSDev on this website) runs Retropower who do this sort of work.

Give him a call.


[Edited on 15/3/10 by James]

GBaggott - 15/3/10 at 11:30 AM

Willing to pay and leave car with somebody for a week or so. Rescued attachment Image0022.GIF
Rescued attachment Image0022.GIF

Humbug - 15/3/10 at 11:58 AM

Mmmmm! (doesn't look much like a Mini van, per your profile, though)

James - 15/3/10 at 11:58 AM

Looks great!

Why do you not want to finish it yourself?


blakep82 - 15/3/10 at 12:42 PM

wow i want one

question though, since you de-bumbered and de-seamed the rear valance, why didn't you do the rest of the seams? i love a deseamed mini

fridgeracer - 15/3/10 at 01:16 PM

Can I ask why you need an IVA?

Cracking car by the way

blakep82 - 15/3/10 at 01:38 PM

Originally posted by fridgeracer
Can I ask why you need an IVA?

Cracking car by the way

modified chassis, as per iva looks like the boot has been cut away at least

GBaggott - 15/3/10 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Humbug
Mmmmm! (doesn't look much like a Mini van, per your profile, though)

Haha, this isn't mine (wish it was) the mini pick-up is still only at chassis stage.

It needs an IVA as too many parts have been changed - Points system dictates an IVA.

I would finish it myself having done a few - my mate hates electronics and just wants it done quickly.

dazzx10r - 15/3/10 at 06:22 PM

WOW! thats f##kin NICE! is it mid engine rear drive? regards to getting it finished check out kitcar mag theres loads of companies offering build services.

norfolkluego - 15/3/10 at 06:35 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by fridgeracer
Can I ask why you need an IVA?

Cracking car by the way

modified chassis, as per iva looks like the boot has been cut away at least

In a nutshell how much would you have to modify a chassis to require an IVA, not thinking about doing it, just curious