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Sierra brake bias
joop - 3/6/12 at 11:55 AM

Can anyone tell me what the correct position of the Sierra 's rear wheels brake compensator is and where its leads are going to ? The upper one comes from the mastercylinder and the lower connection goes to the rear wheels, is this correct ? At the moment the rear wheels are blocking and the fronts not. Wrong position and or wrong connection of the brake leads ?

SALAD - 3/6/12 at 11:57 AM

Is this any use?

Oh and welcome to the forum

[Edited on 3/6/12 by SALAD]

[Edited on 3/6/12 by SALAD]

RichardK - 3/6/12 at 12:22 PM

This how I did mine way back although have binned it now. 35 degrees seems to ring a bell somewhere though. Bottom goes to mc and top goes to rear wheels.




[Edited on 3/6/12 by RichardK]

RichardK - 3/6/12 at 12:25 PM

Are the front new? they may just need bedding in although it does sound like you've got it the wrong way around, but on these light cars you don't even need it in my opinion.



Peteff - 3/6/12 at 01:29 PM

The best place to fit it is definitely in the bin. They work on the angle of dive under braking which is not going to happen in a seven type car like it does in a Sierra.

scoop - 3/6/12 at 03:21 PM

Yep. Bin it. You don't need it.
Headache over

bob - 3/6/12 at 04:42 PM

Agree with above, mine went in the bin.

I did use a Fiat uno rear brake bias for the SVA/IVA, And after my 1st MOT that went in the bin too.

joop - 5/6/12 at 08:26 PM

Thanks guys. I followed your advice and the problem is solved. It brakes like hell. Regards Joop