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Pulling to the right
steve m - 28/8/12 at 11:13 AM

My locost is pulling to the right all of the time, never has done before, but ive had all the front suspension apart
over the year, and may of not put it back exactly the same

The front o/s camber, now appears to be more top in that the n/s, would that cause a pulling to the right ?
also the fron tracking could be slightley out


loggyboy - 28/8/12 at 11:16 AM

Tracking wouldnt cause a 'pull', would just mean an offset steering wheel postion when driving straight. usual cause is tyre pressures or worn suspension joints.
Does the pull lessen or increase when pulling away or braking?

TAZZMAXX - 28/8/12 at 11:43 AM

What about toe settings? Could be toeing out too much.

loggyboy - 28/8/12 at 12:19 PM

Originally posted by TAZZMAXX
What about toe settings? Could be toeing out too much.

Toe is just tracking, which would (under most situations) would not cause pulling, it might cause wandering depending on the camber of the road or the loading of the tyre, but is very unlikely to cause a distint pull in only one direction

ashg - 28/8/12 at 12:38 PM

Could be a sticker caliper if it's been sat up but then the mot should have caught that. I would take it and get the tracking checked

Myke 2463 - 28/8/12 at 12:42 PM

Silly question but have you put the top arms wrong, ie. one upside down ?

TAZZMAXX - 28/8/12 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Originally posted by TAZZMAXX
What about toe settings? Could be toeing out too much.

Toe is just tracking, which would (under most situations) would not cause pulling, it might cause wandering depending on the camber of the road or the loading of the tyre, but is very unlikely to cause a distint pull in only one direction

Yeah, speaking before thinking or reading other replies.

steve m - 28/8/12 at 01:57 PM

All the suspension is on the right way!
and refurbed with new bushes, bolts, boot covers etc
Top transit link replaced as the thread was mullered in its removal

Tracking was set to 0% but can easily check

Braking is fine, and they are both working the same, (mot last week)

Castor could of been altered, when the suspension was off

Camber on the o/s front wheel "looks" to be more in at the top, than the n/s with the car absoloutley level

Its not a viloent pull to the right, but just more annoyeing

Pulling away or braking, from memory did not seem to make any difference

steve m - 28/8/12 at 02:05 PM

Tyre pressure,s are currently

O/s front 16.00
N/s front 15.5

both rear 16.00

I will get them all to 16.00 and check again


steve m - 28/8/12 at 03:06 PM

I do belive it was a combination of tyre pressures, as my guage seems to have a memory of 16.00 !!
Next doors guage had from 15.5 to 17.5

so now all at 16

Ive also bled the brakes, as this was somthing i had planned to do anyway, as the old fluid must be 10 years old
I do think the O/s front may of been dragging slightley

And the car drives in a nice straight line, as it allways used to

Thanks guys!


pewe - 28/8/12 at 05:24 PM

If all else fails - is one of the rear brakes activating before/more than the other side?
This will make it pull one way without it being a major lurch.
If it's the Escort beam axle the rear drums are self-adjusting so one may not be adjusting as much as the other.
Alt. handbrake cable make be dragging on one side.
Cheers, Pewe10