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Dimensional drawing for Transit Drag link?
mconley3 - 23/4/08 at 03:36 PM

I'm looking for a drawing of the Transit Drag link. I've search the forum for houts and have only come up with a Transit TRE drawing. I know the TRE is M20 vs M18, but I'm unsure what else is different.

Failing that, could someone with a Transit Drag link measure ball joint center to the end of the M18 shank?

Any other measurements would be a bonus.


RazMan - 23/4/08 at 04:12 PM

I think I might have something - here's a photo but I don't suppose that's any use

mconley3 - 23/4/08 at 04:59 PM

I took a ruler to the picture and came up with some real small measurements.

Thanks Raz, I appreciate you looking.


Delinquent - 23/4/08 at 07:08 PM

If you need anything better, I have a dxf file of a drag link. Can't remember where it came from so I can't vouch for it's accuracy but it looked about right!

mconley3 - 23/4/08 at 07:25 PM

You can send it to


Puk - 23/4/08 at 07:34 PM

I just checked on Locost CAD resource and the cupboard was bare. If you do have a diagram it would be a good addition to the library


Delinquent - 23/4/08 at 09:24 PM

emailed it across to you - sent both a DWG and a DXF. As I say I can't vouch for accuracy as I haven't got a link to compare it to, but I'm pretty sure it came from a reliable source!

Puk - how do I add it, or am I being thick?

If Mark can provide (well, confirm!) a couple of dims on it for me to validate I might even knock up a full 3D job when I have a mo.

mconley3 - 23/4/08 at 10:29 PM

Thanks! I'll try to take a look tonight, I may not have time till tomorrow though.

I don't have one to compare/verify the drawing. I'll try to export to a pdf, or something else and post it. Maybe Raz could verify the measurements.


[Edited on 4/23/2008 by mconley3]

RazMan - 23/4/08 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by mconley3
Maybe Raz could verify the measurements.

erm ... I've only got the photo too - my drag links are bolted on my car

Puk - 26/4/08 at 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Delinquent
Puk - how do I add it, or am I being thick?

No no - that was me - I blocked the "any one can upload stuff" option to try and keep spam at bay. Could you email the file to me via:

locost-cad-models (at)


mconley3 - 26/4/08 at 01:22 PM

Sent email...

I have a friend adding measurements and converting to pdf. I'll post if he ever gets back to me.


mconley3 - 26/4/08 at 01:29 PM

I got the following back from the email.

You do not have permission to post to group locost-cad-models. You may need
to join the group before being allowed to post, or this group may not be open
to posting.

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mconley3 - 27/4/08 at 09:22 PM

Here is the first attempt. I've asked to get a side view also. The sleave and nuts on the shank don't seem to be seperate, so I'm unsure of the length of the shank.

Could the length from the balljoint to the end of the shank really be 5.301"?? That seems very long.


seventhheaven - 31/3/12 at 12:34 PM

Does anyone out there know whether it a Left Hand (Nearside) or Right Hand (Offside) drag link that is needed?

Help! I know it's M18 right hand thread, but which side of the transit??

Lew The Machine - 2/11/12 at 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Delinquent
emailed it across to you - sent both a DWG and a DXF. As I say I can't vouch for accuracy as I haven't got a link to compare it to, but I'm pretty sure it came from a reliable source!

Puk - how do I add it, or am I being thick?

If Mark can provide (well, confirm!) a couple of dims on it for me to validate I might even knock up a full 3D job when I have a mo.

Sorry to dig up an old thread guys!

could you send that DXF/DWG my way Delinquent? (if you still have it)

Trying to get my Chassis model finished and this is one of the last bits i need to model (apart from sierra diff & shafts etc but thats WAAAAY too time consuming!)

Ive literally hunted the internet for one and found nothing!
