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IVA Petrol Cap rule change.....
phil4521 - 13/6/10 at 08:43 PM

I hope someone can help with...

My Locking petrol cap is an (expensive) billet ali locking type with a key that I bough a couple of years ago and my build is coming to the end finally. I got it from Tifosi and someone told its wont pass as the cap is unsecured can be taken out of the filler when unlocked- so I need to modify it to pass- anyone tried this? I thought of a piece of piano wire to connect the cap to the filler housing- will this do it?

Any better ideas of advice?



austin man - 13/6/10 at 08:55 PM

I understand that the reason is so the cap cannot becom detached so wire or chain should be OK

cd.thomson - 13/6/10 at 08:57 PM

hi mate, bath chain or some wire attached to the inside of the cap and then to the filler neck somehow is the way to do it

big_wasa - 13/6/10 at 08:57 PM

Yep atach a bit of plug chain or stainless wire.

There is a how to on Car builder Solutions website.

Mine is also a £££ cap and its not a bad thing as people have lost them.

ashg - 13/6/10 at 09:12 PM

if the key doesn't come out of the cap when the cap is undone then you don't need a chain on it.

phil4521 - 13/6/10 at 09:44 PM

thanks all v helpful- sorry I posted this twice by mistake. where on cat builders or am I blind?

Chippy - 13/6/10 at 10:48 PM

Hi, try the link below, Cheers Ray

Linky do da!

snapper - 14/6/10 at 05:47 AM

At IVA a few weeks ago Gavins solution was piano wire with a metal bar longer than the filler neck is wide.
The wire is attached at the center of the bar, the bar will drop down the neck, into the tank, when you remove the cap the bar will be horizontal and will not come out when you remove the cap.
He used the bolt in the centre of the cap to attach the wire.

iank - 14/6/10 at 06:33 AM

As said above if the key doesn't come out when it's unlocked then you don't need a chain/wire/elastic band, though having one isn't a great hardship IMO.

Lightning - 14/6/10 at 08:40 AM

I agree with what you say above.

When my car paased the test I was told that I nead not have put on the Bath chain(even though the key could be removed in the unlock position) and also I need not have put in a reducer for unleaded petrol.........

You pays ya money and takes chance????

jrrsparky - 14/6/10 at 09:37 PM

Where in the IVA bible dose it say you have to have a unleaded reducer ?

stevegough - 26/6/10 at 09:15 PM

Just scrutinised that section myself - looking for that elusive bit of info - the truth is, it DOESN'T mention it and, now I come to think of it, the only place I've seen it referred to is in places like Car Builder's Solutions catalogue. Wher they state "you will also need to fit an unleaded reducing neck for it to pass the IVA". (that'll be £12 + vat, please).

I'm not going to fit one.

smart51 - 26/6/10 at 09:29 PM

An unleaded reducer was specified by SVA. Maybe it's not in IVA. We don't have leaded petrol for sale anymore so it shouldn't be a problem that needs to be fixed.

40inches - 26/6/10 at 10:37 PM

Originally posted by smart51
An unleaded reducer was specified by SVA. Maybe it's not in IVA. We don't have leaded petrol for sale anymore so it shouldn't be a problem that needs to be fixed.

I think it was for diesel/petrol mix up, although it doesn't solve the problem the other way around

iank - 27/6/10 at 07:34 AM

I thought it was because leaded kills cat converters so all the CO was pumped out of the tailpipe from then on.

[Edited on 27/6/10 by iank]

PeteS2k - 2/7/10 at 06:49 AM

The unleaded reducer I've got in mine has a load of vent holes drilled around the edge. Provides a convenient point to anchor your retaining wire / bath chain to the car.

My IVA inspector actively checked for a retained petrol cap.

The picture doesn't actually show the attachment - I used a bit of throttle cable that had a swaged fitting on one end - but you get the idea...

[Edited on 2/7/10 by PeteS2k]