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rear mirror wanted
tigertom - 20/7/05 at 09:47 AM

anyone got a rear view mirror they dont need as i only need it for the test and intend to take it off after sva.shhhhh dont tell the sva man that

MAB - 20/7/05 at 03:04 PM

If you can stretch to £4.95 plus P&P - get one of the sucker stick on ones from Mac#1 - I used this as did others for the test with no problems.

If you wanted to take it off afterwards, - it will leave no marks too...



tigertom - 21/7/05 at 08:16 AM

i was'nt after one for free nor was i after any sarcasim.

DarrenW - 21/7/05 at 08:23 AM

i must have missed the sarcasm bit - i dont think there was any intended. I read a well balanced practical solution to your problem that will only cost a fiver.

Out of interest, why do you not want to leave it on?

mad-butcher - 21/7/05 at 05:22 PM

When you consider what post & packing to N/I and back would be plus the chance of it getting damaged I think it's a fiver well spent

Peteff - 21/7/05 at 06:52 PM

Get a mirror pad from the screen fitters and mount the Sierra one upside down. The pad should come off after without too much trouble.