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Freeview displays BOOT??
fullpint - 4/7/13 at 06:36 PM

Freeview box was playing up so just purchased a new goodmans box. Hooked it up and the display on the box reads BOOT??
Tried it on the bedroom TV and no issues at all..
Why don't it work on my Sony TV?

jossey - 4/7/13 at 07:03 PM

May have cec Hdmi on. Check settings...

I had an issue with this in mine. Or try a different non cec support Hdmi slot....

Peteff - 4/7/13 at 07:43 PM

Is it a freeview recorder ? When ours is first switched on at the mains it displays "boot" until the hard drive initialises.

fullpint - 5/7/13 at 05:48 AM

yep its a recorder one.. Just turned it on and its saying boot again. Will see what its like when I get home...

owelly - 5/7/13 at 07:36 AM

Do as it says. Kick it.

fullpint - 5/7/13 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by owelly
Do as it says. Kick it.

I feel like doing that......... Its now working but only after I switched the hdmi to port 3 but I'm sure come the morning it will read 'BOOT' again. If so its going back to sainsburys..

fullpint - 10/7/13 at 03:24 PM

Up-date; Took it back and got after box!! Same make etc.. Done this on Saturday and guess what???????????
Yep the same again
So I took that one back on Monday and got my money back.. Popped into Currys and purchased a Logik box.. Plugged it in and yippeeeeeeeeee Does exactly as it said on the box.. Therefore avoid Goodmans I say
Thanks for the replies though..