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Woman gets knocked out by Eagle.. very funny.
FFTS - 4/2/10 at 11:24 PM

Add these too the list of things women shouldn't do.

Video 1

Video 2

But hey .. the guys can mess up sometimes .. own goal anybody
Video Own goal

Just thought I'd add these girl who I'm sure you'll agree have got perfect with practice
Fabcy a good bang - Video

[Edited on 4/2/10 by FFTS]

Horizenjob - 5/2/10 at 12:48 AM

You hear someone in the background of the guy getting hit by the ricochet saying "no more iron". Sounds like they shot at a metal target, which can be dangerous.

Years ago a couple fellows from work, and not the brightest guys, went into the woods for some shooting. They set up a metal target, the one guy takes aim and the other fellow stands back and puts his hands over his ears - palms against his head. The fellow lets off a shoot and the fellow holding his hand against his head got his entire palm ripped open from a piece of shrapnel coming back from the target. Missed his head though

Confused but excited. - 5/2/10 at 12:58 AM

Vid 1) Gotta lock those elbows.
Vid 3) Now that was lucky. Another inch or two and he'd have not had a head.

David Jenkins - 5/2/10 at 07:36 AM

I have shot with a Desert Eagle - horrible, unbalanced and far too heavy to lug around all day. A pointless piece of junk metal that only exists to fuel the "mine's bigger than yours" arguments.

Macbeast - 5/2/10 at 08:27 AM

You've got to admire the cameramen. Fearless, or maybe just stupid

BenB - 5/2/10 at 08:39 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I have shot with a Desert Eagle - horrible, unbalanced and far too heavy to lug around all day. A pointless piece of junk metal that only exists to fuel the "mine's bigger than yours" arguments.

Not as bad as the 9mm POS I used once. In comparison the .44 semi-auto was a precision weapon. 9mm was just pants. Anything with a double trigger makes me worried...

FFTS - 5/2/10 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins A pointless piece of junk metal that only exists to fuel the "mine's bigger than yours" arguments.

But whats that argument got to do with guns?

This was supposed to be a fun thread and now its revealed just how many psycho gun nuts we have amongst us... Scary.

Anyway.. got to go and and practice stripping my H&K MP5

Lightning - 5/2/10 at 10:31 AM

Vid 1 - She really needs to eat a few pies

MikeR - 5/2/10 at 10:44 AM

I quite enjoyed shooting the desert eagle.

Yeah its a big gun, you've just got to be man enough to shoot it

(ducks and runs for cover)


ok, i only shot it twice and that was just to prove a point to some Americans. I still laugh that they couldn't believe i'd done archery at 16 in the uk and didn't need a license / special training to do it. I think 'the' quote had to be "archery, you mean like robin hood bows and arrows, wow .... isn't that really dangerous?". Said as i was returning the pistol they'd just let me shoot on the range with no training.

flibble - 5/2/10 at 11:18 AM

It seems RPGs come with their problems too

ashg - 5/2/10 at 11:38 AM

this one is more funny


always more funny when the french are involved

[Edited on 5/2/10 by ashg]

dan__wright - 5/2/10 at 11:47 AM

i was just about to post that, would have crapped myself! there's a similar us navy torpedo one, half sticks out of the tube!

scootz - 5/2/10 at 11:54 AM

The cretins involved with those pistol clips obviously left their solitary brain-cell at home

Just crazy!

Confused but excited. - 5/2/10 at 01:18 PM

scootz, there is a difference between being a cretin and a lack of proper tuition.

Loved the way the French cameraman just dropped his camera and ran. It's genetic.

dave r - 5/2/10 at 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.

Loved the way the French cameraman just dropped his camera and ran. It's genetic.

i must have french blood somewhere then... cos i would have dropped the camera and run as well

Ivan - 5/2/10 at 01:35 PM

That sort of thing reminds me of when we where throwing live hand grenades at the range, our intellectually challenged squad member pulled the pin, put the grenade in his webbing pouch and turned round to ask the instructor something with the lever spinning through the air - fortunately the instructor was quick thinking enough to unclip his webbing and throw it over the wall.

This was the second time "stupid" nearly killed us all, the first was when firing with "HMK's" - something like an Uzzi when he got a blockage and turned around bashing the side of it with his fist that restarted it firing and nearly took out the whole squad fortunately firing over everyone's head.

In the end he was discharged as being too stupid for the army - I think all the instructors were scared of him

On reflection maybe he wasn't that stupid after all!!!

David Jenkins - 5/2/10 at 02:09 PM

Originally posted by FFTS
This was supposed to be a fun thread and now its revealed just how many psycho gun nuts we have amongst us... Scary.

Whoa! Slight over-reaction there!

I used to do target shooting, and once had a chance to shoot the Desert Eagle - it wasn't much fun... a bit like thumping your head on a wall - it's nice when you stop.

The trouble is, anyone who's shot any gun responsibly (target shooter, armed forces, etc) shudders when they see clips like those - total lack of safety management.

Sorry to pee on your matches, but not everyone thinks it's so funny...

Still, life would be so boring if we all thought the same way...

scootz - 5/2/10 at 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
scootz, there is a difference between being a cretin and a lack of proper tuition.

Of course there is, but the first video depicts a bunch of cretins!

IMHO it's outrageously cretinous to fire a Desert Eagle in what appears to be a public park! Furthermore, it's even more outrageously cretinous for an obvious novice to be firing a Desert Eagle in what appears to be a public park!

Firearms demand respect at all times, and with the exception of the chap with the rifle, these vids show a bunch of clowns with no respect whatsoever. Some might call them cretins, or worse...