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Am i being picky
goaty - 18/1/10 at 04:53 PM

Hey all,
As above really, got my Rotrex pulley through today in total costing £70 with vat etc, So not a little amount of money.
Opened it up to find a few nic's into the metal showing right through the coating so they stand out.
They are not massive, just shoudl i accept iot as it is or send it back to replace???
i am worried it may just be me being too picky.....
cheers guys, please be open with

blakep82 - 18/1/10 at 04:54 PM

for £70 it shouldn't have chunks out of it. contact them

i mean, it won't affect how it works, but you still don't expect it

tomprescott - 18/1/10 at 04:55 PM

Way I see it if you're going to pay the money for something you should get it in perfect condition. I say send it back!

goaty - 18/1/10 at 04:57 PM

they not big chunks, i can tell they have just all been thrown into one box and that prob how it happened, dont want to wee off the supplier though as they the only one in the uk....

Miks15 - 18/1/10 at 05:00 PM

im sure the supplier will be appy to replace if they want to keep a good reputation. Like said you wouldnt expect it to come damaged for £70

scootz - 18/1/10 at 05:04 PM

Nope... you're not being picky!

liam.mccaffrey - 18/1/10 at 05:16 PM

look at it another way, what if you were building a show car. Then you would definitely send it back.

Personally I probably wouldn't bother, but don't let that put you off doing it. If you want it perfect its your right!

goaty - 18/1/10 at 05:21 PM

ok cheers guys, i will ponder on it over night and see how i feel 2mo, dont want to ring up in a bad mood and put a downer on evrerything.
thansk again chaps

tomprescott - 18/1/10 at 05:23 PM

Its like when I ordered my rad, rather than screw the cap on they left it loose in the cardboard box so that it damaged the fins in transit, the cores were fine so the rad would still work but it looks sh*te, so I got a partial refund - would have been happier with a replacement though!

Steve Hignett - 18/1/10 at 06:07 PM

With regard to Tom's post above, that is something that I would complain about and send back for replacement, as it would have (albeit a small) impact on Rad performance.

However, I would not bother complaining about the pulley to be honest, however, (as above) don't let that put you off, if you want a perfect car with every part perfect then get on to them!

goaty - 18/1/10 at 06:19 PM

thats just it, i not after perfect show going looks at all. in fact i dont care for looks, just how it go's.
Think i getting a lil anal with the engine, i even started to clean bolts before they went in....
looking at it again now i can live with it, if it was something else then maybe i would, think this can be left.
cheers again guys, always best to ask others before ringing them in a little hissy fit

blakep82 - 18/1/10 at 07:14 PM

then maybe just an email to them to say thank you, just mention it is a liitle damaged, and they might want to check the rest of the stock. if they want to offer you something thats up to them
if you don't mind, why make a thread?

goaty - 18/1/10 at 07:23 PM

thread was there to get opinions from others before i ring them and moan, not always the best idea to do so.

And i shall remember next time not to type it out.........forgot why forums are here

blakep82 - 18/1/10 at 07:40 PM

lol i know, was joking
yeah, i'd give them a call to inform them the box may be damaged, to just make them aware and if they want to send you a replacement, thats up to them. if they want to offer a partial refund for goodwill, thats up to them. if you're happy to fit it as is, you've got nothing to lose from advising them

goaty - 18/1/10 at 07:45 PM

will call them 2mo, just waiting for a bolt to turn up as i need it from them before i 'may' wee them
thanks for the advice chaps
always nice to hear what other would do, i worry about being too rash

Alan B - 18/1/10 at 08:46 PM

I'd definitely call have the right to get a perfect product. Ask what can they do about it?

Look at it this way...what if you'd only sent them 65 quid?..still think they would have sent it?

[Edited on 18/1/10 by Alan B]

chrsgrain - 18/1/10 at 10:09 PM

No, you're not being picky, they are being careless, if they can't take care with that, what else are they being careless about - maybe the balancing of the pulley??? I'd at least tell someone, preferably higher up the chain than the packing person...
