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Woo Hooo !, i have a new toy !!!
rayward - 31/1/10 at 04:18 PM

big_wasa - 31/1/10 at 04:20 PM

looks tidy

Steve Hignett - 31/1/10 at 04:25 PM


jack_t - 31/1/10 at 04:27 PM

as james may would say

"Cooler, 8 Veeeks "

NigeEss - 31/1/10 at 04:28 PM

Smart !

Ivan - 31/1/10 at 04:33 PM

Nice - did my Licence test in one of those 42 years ago

tegwin - 31/1/10 at 04:45 PM

Awsome... which beach buggy kit are you using for the conversion

Daddylonglegs - 31/1/10 at 05:12 PM

Nice! So when do you start turning it into a Trike then?

speedyxjs - 31/1/10 at 05:26 PM


Liam - 31/1/10 at 06:08 PM

Weather looks nice in Hull!

Fozzie - 31/1/10 at 06:28 PM

I had one once......

a long time ago.....

for a while, ......

A very short while.......


nick205 - 31/1/10 at 07:11 PM

not my cuppa, but each to their own and it does look quite tidy.

kendo - 31/1/10 at 07:19 PM

What's happened to the running boards?

p.s. wrong stone guards on the rear wings, they are for a much older bug.

Nice simple cars though.

Simon - 31/1/10 at 08:10 PM

Cut both of mine up with an angle grinder - would still have another to play with though

Just need to get rid of all theose dodgy VW mechanicals



T66 - 31/1/10 at 08:18 PM

Nice one....

Stick an Impreza engine in the back.

Nearly owned a Karmann Cabrio then bottled it and bought a Cavalier, EH ???

Looks great

mangogrooveworkshop - 31/1/10 at 11:05 PM

Originally posted by NigeEss
Smart !


Had a few of those in Durban.......great on the beach

[Edited on 31-1-10 by mangogrooveworkshop]

Valtra - 1/2/10 at 01:27 AM


jacko - 1/2/10 at 08:15 PM

Ray if you dont know there is a place down Dunswell road that sells bits for beetles
This was my sons before he sold it more photos in my archive

iank - 1/2/10 at 08:32 PM

Always been a mini man myself, but looks solid at first glance.
What are your plans for it?

beaver34 - 1/2/10 at 08:33 PM

Very nice! I have a 72 bay camper

richard thomas - 2/2/10 at 07:42 PM

I seem to remember that they have nice metal for welding to....

Love another one!