MikeR has publicly anounnced that his car will be finished by this date next year!!
I dont see them flying yet
ah, but next year is a bit like tomorrow in that it never comes
Is there a longest build award available?
yeh and I said mine will be done this summer
If i finish this time next year it will be approximately 11 years after starting. I'm actually hoping to finish this summer so i've got
myself a few months breathing space.
Now can anyone braze me a couple of pipes in the midlands???
11 Years?
That has just made my day.
Mine may not be the longest build after all.
" Oh happy dayayays...."
Lol 11 years has made me chuckle aswell.. Whew my 1.5years is nothing lol, No rush
dammit Shaun, you beat me to it.
as i bought a kit, I think I have at least 5.5 years to build mine
come on Mike, get a move on! I want to be able to buy your spares from you when you finish!
i'm on 7 years just now lol, but for 2 of them i didn't live near the car
my car has always lived in the garage 6 feet from the back of my house (and about 20 feet from the back door!)
I've had more girlfriends that engine starts!
actually think i may have lived with more girls than i've had engine starts. I'm going to stop now before i admit to something like -
fitting more gearboxes (3 - 1 type N, 2 type 9) or axles (escort, capri, de-dion) than living with girls (2).
11 years ????
Took me 2 years book built etc, and compared to a couple of builders that was VERY slow
nb, its only 10 years at the moment. (and i could claim a technicallity of 10 years in late summer).
Originally posted by prawnabie
MikeR has publicly anounnced that his car will be finished by this date next year!!
MikeR, do you realise just how many of us you've cheered up
with what???
the number of axles i've had in the seven?
the number of engines i've had in the seven?
the number of women i've lived with whilst having the seven?
or the fact i'm a stupid git who does everything on average three times on the damned car, gets frustrated having do to jobs again and leaves it
for a month between jobs?
(it might also help if i just spent money instead of getting bargain fuel tanks that need brazing when i've never brazed in my life and
don't have the kit).
I picked my 'kit' up from Robin Hood on 26th April 1997!
Managed to get a house, woman, married, 2 kids etc etc, basically everything bar building the bloody car.
I don't get the mick taken t work much about it though, honest..........
you see, i'm positively speedy compared to some people and ....
AND I SAY .....
HE BOUGHT HIS KIT!!!!! I've made everything myself! (three times).
I thought everything on the robin hood kits that long ago you had to redo anyway. Lol
You're not wrong, which is why I said "kit"
Sometimes I wonder if it would be quicker to build a chassis and move all the bits over than to put right their pigs year of a job, robin hood
engineering, I think not.
Found out on the weekend that they punched the louvres in the bonnet so far off centre that if you run them up the middle of the car, the bonnet
overlaps the one side by 1" and is 1" short the other, joy. This is a small point though compared to the suspension....
LOL. Now that my courting, wedding and house renovation are pretty much done, I too will finish my car pretty soon!! Haven't been going quite
as long as Mike though.