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Fantasy Racing varients.
morcus - 9/3/10 at 09:56 PM

Are there any production cars that you'd like to racing versions of? they can be any kind of car and as mad as you like.
I'll start the ball with a fairly sensible one, an Alfa MiTo WRC car.
Something a little madder, A Panda with a Mid engine 4WD layout, really wide wheels with the arches blistered about 8" both sides, lowered and painted up in Red bull colours.

dan8400 - 9/3/10 at 11:21 PM

New Fiat 500 That has been "Rally Slagged"

Would be awesome..... in the same vein as 205 T16, Metro 6R4 etc etc


dan8400 - 9/3/10 at 11:23 PM


same treatment to a Toyota IQ,

My Mum just got one and it's a sweet little thing.... would be better with 300 hp
