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southern kit car forum
richard - 14/4/10 at 06:31 PM

i know i am a bit slow and normally wrong about most thinngs on here but it seems the southern kit car forum has been suspended.
Tried my favourates and a google search, is it just me ?

davestarck - 14/4/10 at 06:41 PM

You are right. I think you will find its a technical hitch!

Hugh_ - 14/4/10 at 06:47 PM

Hmmm thats odd, usually if there is a problem with it there is also a problem with the Tiger OC as both are hosted together. I'm sure Mark will sort it asap.

ashg - 14/4/10 at 06:48 PM

Technical hitch is that we have exceeded our paid for bandwidth.

davestarck - 14/4/10 at 07:18 PM

Tiger owners forum is also suspended!

contaminated - 14/4/10 at 07:42 PM

Yup - both are on the same server. I think either Mac or Mark G need to put some money in the meter! Should be back tomorrow.

Ben_Copeland - 14/4/10 at 08:17 PM

Thought it might be Bandwidth... perhaps Mark should ask for donations! i'd quite happily contribute

paulW7 - 14/4/10 at 08:25 PM

Probably due to the BT exchange fire the other week. JPSC website also hit.

ChrisW - 14/4/10 at 08:41 PM

I've got more bandwidth than I can shake a stick at. If anyone is in contact with the admins you're welcome to point them my way!


contaminated - 14/4/10 at 08:45 PM

Cheers Chris - we'll let them know.