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Help needed in the Fareham/Southampton area
carlgeldard - 17/4/10 at 06:14 PM

Hi Guys

Sorry to ask but I need some help from somebody in the Fareham area. From tomorrow I could be without a car. The car I looked at today was not worth the asking price due to the condition it was in. There is a identical car 190 miles away in Fareham. I was wondering if somebody in the area could view the car and take some quality photos so I could make an informed decision about a long trip to view in person. I would pay for the time taken etc of course. I intend asking the dealer for more detailed photos and info but I believe I'd get an unbiased opinion from a fellow LB member.

I hope somebody can help as there were only 50 of these cars sold to the genreral public in the uk.

Cheers Carl

robocog - 17/4/10 at 06:23 PM

I'm in Gosport only a mile or so away from Fareham
I have a camera and could pop over for you

Let me know the details, what you need etc and when


carlgeldard - 17/4/10 at 07:03 PM

Thanks for the offer of help that's what make this site and it members so good. What I would like are photos of the body panels that highlight any defects and the drivers seat as the one I saw today was worn on the lumber support. As for the wheels I could get them re-furbed so not worried about them been slightly kerbed. Mechanically/Hpi could be done by vehicle inspection companies like the AA/RAC, But your general impression on the condition and dealer would help. I'll send you more details via U2u

Cheers Carl

carlgeldard - 17/4/10 at 07:10 PM

u2u sent

Thanks Carl