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advice needed
femster87 - 24/4/10 at 07:27 PM

noticed flooded footwell in passenger side this morning, its not been raining so checked expansion tank, empty with mayolike oil and water mix.
I was thinking heater matrix might be gone, and maybe head gasket,
any suggestions on what to check?

lotusmadandy - 24/4/10 at 07:31 PM

Mayo in the header tank would suggest a blown head gasket to me.
Thats the only way water and oil could mix,unless someone has poured water into the oil filler,or vise versa.


[Edited on 24/4/10 by lotusmadandy]

daviep - 24/4/10 at 07:33 PM

Originally posted by lotusmadandy
Mayo in the header tank would suggest a blown head gasket to me.
Thats the only way water could get into the oil,unless someone has poured water into the oil filler.


If you have an oil cooler, the kind which sandwich behind the filter then this could leak oil in to coolant.


lotusmadandy - 24/4/10 at 07:35 PM

Didnt consider that Davie


daviep - 24/4/10 at 07:44 PM

TBH head gasket sounds more likely, leaking cooler wouldn't explain why the bottle is empty (unless it burst)


femster87 - 24/4/10 at 08:37 PM

thanks for the help