A colleague a work is looking for a universal turbo heat jacket to shield unwanted heat from his turbo.
the cheapest we can find them at the moment is about £85. anyone in the business or know of where they may be obtainable any cheaper
cheers guys
oooh ill be after one as well if anybody knows of a cheap one
Spencer Ashley, he calls them 'turbo bags':
07834 150518
I was thinking about a shaped piece of Nimbus GII
Not sure of the advantages of a bag versus a shield.
- Jim
bag keeps heat inside = shield just deflects heat
Someone-else asked similar question this am.
Suggestion was to find some at the scrappy - loadsa cars use it as heatshield above the silencer - unless it's completely different material?
Cheers, Pewe
I have wrapped mine in exhaust wrap seems to work as i can get hold of turbo when hot, very fiddly job though make sure it doesn't impede the waste gate.