It is fairly clear around the the F1 websites that most F1 fans who watch F1 on the Beeb are less than enchanted with Jonathan Legard's constant
meaningless prattle and name dropping --- Surprisingly I really don't care if he had dinner with Christian Horner or the guy who cleans the
toilets for Virgin racing on Thursday night.
I am really fed up with him cutting in on Martin Brundle who is quite simply the best in the business.
So get complaining
[Edited on 31/5/10 by britishtrident]
I dont mind Legard its that pillock Jordan that I cant stand
[Edited on 31/5/10 by jos]
agreed on both counts above!
I have also sent in my complaint. He really is terrible.
i only like dc
Done but it is a bit of a long winded process. Why couldnt they just have all the drop don lists in one page?
Agree, keep Legard and get rid of Jordan AND DC. Both rubbish.
Fat complaint about that prat Jordan and the irritating Legard submitted. Irritating pr!cks.
DC and Brundle to commentate, Jake to introduce. Get rid of Legard and Jordan.
[Edited on 31/5/10 by Madinventions]
I hate Legard but for some reason i quite enjoy jordans bumbling, its a bit like watching a comedy. I can't take anything he says seriously, must be a strange sense of humour i have!!
I would say that ousting Jordan should be the priority... he's beyond embarrassing!
Ok, I'm gonna play devil's advocate here and say I've got some sympathy for the guy. He has that thankless task of filling in the
commentary when all the experts and pundits have run out of things to say, and nothing really exciting is happening out on track.
It's one of those jobs where it's very easy to criticise but actually very hard to do - you try and ad lib on a favourite subject for just
five minutes without rambling, let alone two hours, you'll find it harder than you think.
Not saying there aren't others who could do it better - it's not an easy job though....
[Edited on 31/5/10 by GeoffT]
Must admit, I didn't really think DC did much of a job on the track considering the amount of time he spent in some really top teams/cars, but of the 3 I think he does a sterling job of casting a driver's eye view on proceedings.
Murray was as useless as legard is, but somehow murray is regarded as a legend?
I just want DC to stick to what he is talking about, rather than saying '...... as we see blah blah blah drive past us in to the blah blah blah,
what was i saying?....'
Every time DC says 'as we see' i cringe!
Jordan. The man's a prick! Nuf said.
Originally posted by loggyboy
Murray was as useless as legard is, but somehow murray is regarded as a legend?
I just want DC to stick to what he is talking about, rather than saying '...... as we see blah blah blah drive past us in to the blah blah blah, what was i saying?....'
Every time DC says 'as we see' i cringe!
Can't disagree with the comments about Legard and Jordan, however, if you think that they are bad just watch Keith Hewen on Sky, he's the
biggest to$$er ever to comment on any kind of motor sport ever, IMHO. If you need tortured watch Sky sports when they brodcast the NASCAR on a Monday
for about an hour, absolutely awful. He's so bad it made me get a dish fitted to my house so I could watch NASCAR on open access 3, a channel
which you can't get on cable. Great to watch, full coverage from the US live with their commentators.
[Edited on 31/5/10 by delboy]
All I can say is F1 IS RUBBISH.
Can I complain and get it shifted onto C5???
I don't mind Legard, not that keen on Eddie. He tends to prattle on and change his tune accourding to the music that's playing at the moment
I think DC and Brundle are best.....
did anybody notice that edie jordan looked like he had a nappy on under his trousers from some angles ,,,
Originally posted by loggyboy
Murray was as useless as legard is, but somehow murray is regarded as a legend?
I just want DC to stick to what he is talking about, rather than saying '...... as we see blah blah blah drive past us in to the blah blah blah, what was i saying?....'
Every time DC says 'as we see' i cringe!
Brundle is a true legend, Jordan is a bit awkward sometimes but he is growing on me to be honest. DC really knows his stuff and I think he comes
across quite well although there are times I think he could lighten up a bit and enjoy himself a bit more. Tango Echo Delta is very competent and Lee
is sexy enough to get the drivers to talk to her and knows her stuff enough to get a good interview once she has caught the drivers' eyes.
Legard is very bland and emotionless in my opinion although I fully appreciate that the job is not easy. You only need to listen to Ant and Crofty on
Radio 5 Live to hear how it should be done. Ant is like Brundle in many ways but at 1.5 times speed, Crofty is on another planet compared to Legard.
I would be very interested to hear Brundle, Ant and Crofty together. Crofty and Ant could do their usual commentary with Brundle chipping in with the
insightful stuff when appropriate. THAT would be great I think. Why do we need two commentary teams anyway? Let's just have one good one which
will suit radio and TV alike.
DC, Ted, Lee and Jake could continue in the pit lane as before.
On a side note, does anyone else have a new found respect for James Allen? I really miss him to be honest... Don't tell anyone...
On my way to work so my bid is:
Keep DC and Martin because they are ex-drivers and have been there.....Bring in Vicky Butler Henderson for some more tecchie knowledge, a bit of ooh
err and her wicked laugh
Lose that idiot Legard and Eddie Jordan who just seems to want to be controversial.... and get the cleaner to cover for toilet breaks
I mean who else will go on prime time British TV and comment about pikies laying tarmac you can't write that stuff
I love the combination of DC and Brundle both ex drivers one from an older period one from a more recent time.
I actually like some of the point Jordan has and very occasionally he makes sense.
Jake is doing a great job with the introduction and post race discussion but legard is too bland. Agreed it is a difficult job to do but it does need
someone with a bit more charisma.
Someone said in a previous post about bringning in VBH now that would be a great team me thinks. VBH and Brundle what a combination.
Maybe replace lee with Suzy Perry formerly from the bike racing currently on the gadget show. Suzy perry in racing leathers MMMMMMMMM.
sorry guys got carried away there need to go for a cold shower now.
Originally posted by delboy
Can't disagree with the comments about Legard and Jordan, however, if you think that they are bad just watch Keith Hewen on Sky, he's the biggest to$$er ever to comment on any kind of motor sport ever, IMHO. If you need tortured watch Sky sports when they brodcast the NASCAR on a Monday for about an hour, absolutely awful. He's so bad it made me get a dish fitted to my house so I could watch NASCAR on open access 3, a channel which you can't get on cable. Great to watch, full coverage from the US live with their commentators.
[Edited on 31/5/10 by delboy]
VBH should be banned from TV[.] - i despise her ramblings. Plus she handbraked a nova too many times to let JC win in his stupid sl(r)over.