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Selling a car to someone abroad
55ant - 7/6/10 at 07:19 PM

Ok, I have seen the usual emails asking about the car for sale and wanted for my client etc etc etc.

However, I have had a chap from germany call me personaly, and we have exchanged some pictures through emails. Now, he has asked if he could transfer £1000 into my bank account, then have the collection company pay the rest in cash on the day. Now he hasnt done anything to make me doubt the authenticity, but just wanted to check with the elders that im not bein a fool as Ive never done this before,

Its a 5k car btw.


r1_pete - 7/6/10 at 07:22 PM

Sounds like your almost convinced he's genuine, how about asking who his shipping agent is, then contact them to make sure they offer such a service.

You cn always check the validity of the company too, make sure its not just his mate giving the right answers....

rayward - 7/6/10 at 07:23 PM

personally i would say a smaller holding deposit (say £100) into your bank account, then the balance in cash on the day paid into your bank account with you present.

just done this when selling the wifes tintop, that way the bank are checking the amount and that the notes aren;t forged



eznfrank - 7/6/10 at 07:23 PM

I'd take as much as poss in cash, maybe agree just £100 deposit and the rest is cash on collection? If you've got cold hard (real) cash in your hand you can't go too far wrong surely?

55ant - 7/6/10 at 07:25 PM

brilliant cheers chaps,

snapper - 7/6/10 at 07:39 PM

Talk to your bank, tell them what the deal is and get them to confirm when funds have cleared
Tell client that you will only release the car when the funds have cleared and not before.
Once the money is in your account and cleared it's yours.

tomprescott - 7/6/10 at 07:40 PM

Yep I would go for a small amount (100 sounds good) but do it through paypal rather than straight into your bank account. Then cash at the bank

McLannahan - 7/6/10 at 07:51 PM

Originally posted by tomprescott
Yep I would go for a small amount (100 sounds good) but do it through paypal rather than straight into your bank account. Then cash at the bank

I'd add to Tom's advice....I'd try to arrange the cash transfer during banking hours and you could then take the cash in and they can check and verify it there. Just in case there's any dodgy notes...

andrew - 7/6/10 at 08:43 PM

why do you only want him to take £100 when the guy offerd £1000 up front , get the £1000 in bank cleared safe , then the deal is rest on colection checked by bank before car is released , its not complicated,,,

MikeRJ - 7/6/10 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by tomprescott
Yep I would go for a small amount (100 sounds good) but do it through paypal rather than straight into your bank account. Then cash at the bank

Really? I'd far rather money was transferred straight into my account, no chance of it getting clawed back by Paypal then.

belgian2b - 7/6/10 at 09:06 PM


i am in a reversed situation.
I am in Belgium and want to buy a car in UK.

My plan is to come to UK to see the car and thenn let a deposit, or pay in cash with check of the money at the bank.

I wouldn't trust somebody willing to buy a car without seing it.

Also, your car is RHD, so what is he going to do with it ? ( i suppose that we are not talking of a special car)

Remember that even a bank transfer can be cancelled by your bank.

Last point, it is known that some " nigerian" are using name, adress and details from european people to make you believe that you are dealing with a good german of french or hwatever europena guy.

don't hesitate to ask a land line telephone number to check who you are talking to .


Danozeman - 7/6/10 at 09:08 PM

The whole lot transfered into your bank before you release it would be my advice.

JoelP - 7/6/10 at 09:36 PM

id rather cash than in the bank, i know i can spot any faked note, and that if a note is good enough to fool me then i'll have no trouble getting rid of it if it does turn out to be bent. You just never know when money can be pulled back out of your bank - ie, that a cleared cheque isnt in fact definately cash in your bank.

Peteff - 8/6/10 at 08:02 AM

I sold my Locost to a Dutch chap and he transferred the full amount into my account then sent his man to pick it up after I told him it had cleared. It was all easy and above board with no problems and took a little over a week to complete.

ed1801 - 8/6/10 at 03:28 PM

I just sold my bike to someone in Malta off of Ebay. Sounded dodgy as hell, but he sent a genuine motorcycle courier company to pick the bike up who paid the full amount in cash.

I didn't at all believe it was going to be genuine until the courier turned up with a stack of 20's. I would do it that way - where you are stood holding the real an genuine money before you sign the V5 part 11 form... Cash is cash, whereas money in the bank can be clawed back if it later turns out to be dodgy.

rf900rush - 9/6/10 at 09:13 PM

Please note even CLEARED FUNDS does not mean your safe.

Small non refundable deposite may be better.

Stops you being ask to send money back if it falls through, and then having the bank take back the deposite.

That's how the scams work.

If he insists on a large refundable depostie then I wouild guess Scam.

Best of luck, be careful.