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Where did this come from?
Werner Van Loock - 16/6/10 at 05:47 PM

Never seen it before and erm, i don't like it, but it's something different. Anyone have some more info about it?

designer - 16/6/10 at 05:49 PM

Seen it before, but don't want to see it again!

It's the remnants of the Smart sports car.

smart51 - 16/6/10 at 05:58 PM

How did they fit a 2 litre in a smart roadster? And why didn't they make the nice looking AC Ace concept that was shown in the press at the time?

BenB - 16/6/10 at 06:37 PM

And the winner of RNIB car designer of the year goes to.....

Oooooh that hit every branch of the ugly tree when it fell out of it.

Yuk. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder etc etc.

deltron63 - 16/6/10 at 07:37 PM

And the ugly villagers beat it with their ugly sticks as well

MikeRJ - 16/6/10 at 07:50 PM

When you see what Comarth normally manufacture, you get an inking of how this could have happened

55ant - 16/6/10 at 07:56 PM

i think its been on piston heads for a while, like aaaaaaages. looks shinteresting. no, crap.

55ant - 16/6/10 at 07:57 PM


No not a lotus! really.

[Edited on 16/6/10 by 55ant]

gottabedone - 16/6/10 at 08:25 PM

It's funny how all but one of the images on PH show some good design ( I like the dash! ) and then in one shot, you see the whole car