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Can someone buy this for me?
Benzine - 30/6/10 at 07:22 AM

Ebay link

Then i'll buy it back off you in about 5 years ^_^


jossey - 30/6/10 at 08:23 AM

ermmmmmmm no!

russbost - 30/6/10 at 09:40 AM

If you can't afford it now you probably won't be able to in 5 years time when it may be worth twice what it is now!

speedyxjs - 30/6/10 at 09:40 AM

Ooooh, nice

morcus - 30/6/10 at 08:37 PM

Its so beautiful, I'm willing to double the original offer, buy it for me and I'll pay you back in ten years time, or tomorrow if you'll except $1,000,000*

*Zibabwean Dollars.