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electric reverse light
peter bland - 23/7/10 at 05:18 PM

Just wired up my reverse light,its not very bright when i press my button. Has anybody the same problem. The light is wired to the stater motor solinoid on the relay. cheers

dazzx10r - 23/7/10 at 06:25 PM

I'm wiring mine to a switch on the dash that is only powered when the engine is in neutral, with a secondary push button for the reverse.

gavin174 - 23/7/10 at 06:28 PM

have you checked you havent fitted a 24v bulb by mistake..

could be a nice easy fix.

peter bland - 23/7/10 at 07:09 PM

im not sure what bulb is fitted but i will cheak , cheers

jack_t - 23/7/10 at 07:58 PM

where abouts in the north east are you ?
what car you building
I'm in stockton

rusty nuts - 23/7/10 at 08:09 PM

Is the light any brighter if you connect it to another live ? If so then wiring a relay into the starter solonoid feed wire may help?

peter bland - 23/7/10 at 08:41 PM

jack-t u2u