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Speed Camera cuts, woop woop
Stott - 25/7/10 at 12:29 PM


Dangle_kt - 25/7/10 at 12:44 PM

I guess every cloud....

gottabedone - 25/7/10 at 02:17 PM

Not definite yet though - still on the political stage!


robocog - 25/7/10 at 02:39 PM

and will no doubt be replaced by Traffic Cops/unmarked vehicles strategically hiding out of sight...unlike the current system of bloody obvious bright yellow, sign posted way in advance, gert great luminous boxes on sticks and positions fixed and made well known in advance to all with current sat nav technology

If caught...
Cameras also do not make a massive roadside fuss and hold your journey whilst being given "the lecture" as well as the points and fine...producer/section 59 optionally thrown in...based on how that human being in a uniform is feeling at that particular moment in time

Just my 2p's worth


iank - 25/7/10 at 03:12 PM

Originally posted by robocog
and will no doubt be replaced by Traffic Cops/unmarked vehicles strategically hiding out of sight

Not with 25-40% cuts in the offing. Who's going to stand up and say well we're cutting the number of coppers investigating murders/thefts/paedophiles so we can keep all the traffic police doing speed camera duty. Political suicide for any chief constable to go that route IMO. Traffic will be the low hanging fruit (along with helicopter flying hours) for those making the cuts.

AndyW - 25/7/10 at 04:02 PM

great, more people speeding in area's where they should not......

interestedparty - 25/7/10 at 04:11 PM

Idoits I see driving around town shouldnt be allowed to drive at all let alone over the limit. Anyway police don't have to put a massive effort in, half an hour with a speed gun will more than cover the cost of the blokes time.

keithice - 25/7/10 at 04:13 PM

My issues with the cameras has always been that they are in the wrong place.... Dorset have always placed them to maximise cash flow rather than placing them outside schools or accident blackspots etc.. where they could legitimitly call them SAFETY cameras... keith

spaximus - 25/7/10 at 06:10 PM

The proof is that Swindon has switched them off and guess what, inspite of the predictions from Brake etc, no increase in crashes. In Derby they have switched them off as they have seen an increase in accidents many at camera sites.
The problem with cameras is and was they are a cash cow and road safety went backwards. When I was 18 I got an endorsement on my licence, I was treated like a loony by family and my employer as only idiots got caught because they were breaking the law. Go to any dinner party now and you will meet people from all walks of life who have or had or knowledge of people with points. It has lost the stigma and as a result it is seen as an occupational hazard by professional drivers and worse by others.
When we had camera being hailed as the panacea on road safety, they took away every other bit of sensible safety action, education in schools, road engineering, setting of limits to an area not a political whim etc etc. It also allowed the creation of "THE PARTNERSHIPS" with huge staff, huge budgets and salaries and overtime that is almost limitless. Listening this week to then whing about job losses on TV was the only time I have had no sympathy for anyone losing a job.
I hope this is not seen by some as a licence to do what they please, as some one else said some should not be allowed to drive at any speed, but maybe we will see drivers take responsible driving as it in their hands

Ninehigh - 25/7/10 at 11:24 PM

Now if they'd have put them in places where it would be dangerous to exceed the speed limit then fine, but I've seen 5 or 6 on a stretch of 2 lane, wide open, clear as glass roads...