any known way I can copy a car video from youtube.For personal use only
Get the Download helper plugin for firefox.
It usually saves them with a type of flv which is playable with the vlc player.
Originally posted by iank
Get the Download helper plugin for firefox.
It usually saves them with a type of flv which is playable with the vlc player.
Realplayer (the free one) does it seamlessly. does it online so you don't need to download any software.
Click here
Sorry - couldn't resist! BTW: KeepVid works well.
real player allows you to download nealy all film clipd you tube etc
I use the Firefox add-on now. Used to have another one (can't remember the name) but it pretty much hijacked my machine So got rid of it
pretty sharpish!
Originally posted by Daddylonglegs
I use the Firefox add-on now. Used to have another one (can't remember the name) but it pretty much hijacked my machineSo got rid of it pretty sharpish!