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OT - MOT rear seat belts and car seats
pdm - 10/8/10 at 04:53 PM

My tin top is going in for MOT this week - do I have to take kids car seats out so they can test rear seat belts ?


AndyW - 10/8/10 at 04:59 PM

My wifes car was MOT'd the other month and she was not required to take out seats. Probably as she had both kids with her and then to expect her to remove the seats too was a bit much. All the tester said was " I cant test rear belts due to child seats" and that was that. May not be the same else where

[Edited on 10/8/10 by AndyW]

rusty nuts - 10/8/10 at 06:29 PM

Correct action for the tester is to advise that childs seats are fitted

Mark G - 10/8/10 at 06:35 PM

The tester should fill out a VT32 advisory notice. Under items not tested he can select an adult seat belt.

pdm - 10/8/10 at 06:40 PM

Thanks everyone.

Ninehigh - 10/8/10 at 11:08 PM

You know I'd have thought that if a child seat was there it'd be doubly important to check them!