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Made me laugh
coyoteboy - 27/8/10 at 06:30 PM

when I saw it this morning on the way to work...

steve m - 27/8/10 at 06:32 PM

only a dot away

daniel mason - 27/8/10 at 06:36 PM

does it belong to alex ferguson?
obviously not or it would be t**t

beagley - 27/8/10 at 06:42 PM


While we're on the topic, here is one I saw on my way to the Dr. a while ago.

Good License Plate
Good License Plate

coyoteboy - 27/8/10 at 06:55 PM

Quite frankly that is insanely large. And a good reg too!

morcus - 27/8/10 at 07:02 PM

It took me a while to spot what it is that was funny, but that is great, especially if its wasn't done on purpose.

Flamez - 27/8/10 at 07:05 PM

Originally posted by daniel mason
does it belong to alex ferguson?
obviously not or it would be t**t


beagley - 27/8/10 at 07:07 PM

Another funny thing is that guy probably never takes his truck off road.

In reality he's probably a citrus farmer or has cattle or horses. There are a LOT of groves and ranches close to me.

morcus - 27/8/10 at 07:17 PM

Do they make trucks that big just because they can or do people actually require massive trucks? I saw a ford F150 (I think) and the thing was huge, even inside, the steering wheel wouldn't have looked out of place on a tall ship.

beagley - 27/8/10 at 07:24 PM

Well, I think America has earned a reputation of gross overindulgance.... in just about everything..... but

There are some people that do require trucks that large. Whether they are hauling fruit or livestock that extra oomph is desired.

On the flip side, there are those guys that just like big trucks for no other reason that they can brag about it. "It's got 1,000,000 ft/lbs of torque, WHOA, watch that puddle! I don't want to get it dirty." Congrats.... You're officially an a$$hat

deltron63 - 27/8/10 at 07:29 PM

My mates plate is A HOLE no joke

T66 - 27/8/10 at 07:31 PM

Plates in the USA are really cheap....

Unlike here.

My brothers motorbike is orange, his number plate is oranje.

That cost him $40 !

His 1967 E-Type is 67 Etype

Private plates are really ok money in the US , just not here.

jollygreengiant - 27/8/10 at 09:32 PM

About 20 years ago I saw FAK 1T wandering around northants/beds/berks area.

zilspeed - 27/8/10 at 10:11 PM

This one only really works in the west of Scotland.

Elsewhere, the subtle humour might be slightly lost.


RK - 28/8/10 at 02:33 AM

What is hard to get across to English and Europeans in general (you know what I mean), is that those of us that like smaller cars like 7's for example, are freaks here in North America. The truck people are the norm.

Angel Acevedo - 28/8/10 at 12:30 PM

Originally posted by zilspeed
This one only really works in the west of Scotland.

Elsewhere, the subtle humour might be slightly lost.

Ya Fud
Ya Fud

I know that if I wait long enough, someone will ask, but IŽll ask first on this one....
I donŽt get it, could you explain?

Paul TigerB6 - 28/8/10 at 01:43 PM

My sister's ex bought "SH 17" - cost him a fortune!!

Ninehigh - 28/8/10 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
My sister's ex bought "SH 17" - cost him a fortune!!

You're kidding? Black beemer and caravan to match? Seen it a couple of times, missus didn't seem to find it funny...