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Am I Loosing the plot ??????
omega0684 - 11/9/10 at 07:36 AM

Morning All,

i am in a serious case of "What to do syndrome!"

I have been having a serious think about what to build next, shall i go for another car or shall i buld a kart etc. Now i have always loved the AC Cobra and i saw the hard top version the other day and i just fell in love! i haven't had that feeling since i first saw the DAX and was taken out in the V8. The sound of the V* was just awesome!

So what do i do????? do i start my research into the cobra project and ask the boss whether i can do a life time of overtime or should i be considering something else. there is no time scale on the project but would be awesome to complete on in the next couple of years

Help me out here guys!

[Edited on 11/9/10 by omega0684]

Hellfire - 11/9/10 at 07:38 AM

Go for it! Start your research and start saving. You know it aint gonna be cheap but if it's what you really want, nothing else will do.....

You only live once.


scootz - 11/9/10 at 07:39 AM

I have to concur... the Cobra looks just fantastic with the hard-top! Deep metallic blue and white viper-stripes please!

If you can afford it, then do it... life is far too short my friend!

franky - 11/9/10 at 07:39 AM

if you build a cobra its got to be a GD one, it seems they all cost the same to build but the Gardner Douglas ones seem to sell for good money too.

Or if you're feeling brave a gd t70

[Edited on 11/9/10 by franky]

graememk - 11/9/10 at 07:58 AM

look into building a austin healey 3000 replica

[Edited on 11/9/10 by graememk]

jacko - 11/9/10 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by graememk
look into building a austin healey 3000 replica

Or a GT40

fesycresy - 11/9/10 at 08:07 AM

I have to admit when I got in a GD it was such a good feeling, I seriously looked into the GD. In my opinion it's the one to build.

The AK was too much of a cruiser, the Dax was expensive and not the best gel coat.

The GD had it all (MKIV body for me) however the real cost is alarming! Ask Andy to email you a spread sheet, it doesn't lie.

I was going down the Chevy 350 / Ford 351 route, but with the rising cost of fuel, that put a dampner on it too.

In the end I couldn't commit to nearly £25k.

However, don't let me put you off, I would love to build a GD. Awesome car

Daddylonglegs - 11/9/10 at 08:10 AM

Cobra works for me

I must admit though, I would definitely have to get 4 more jobs and work 25hrs a day in each because it would only be worth it with a 'proper' (don't mock) big-block V8, after all, that's what they are all about isn't it?

woodster - 11/9/10 at 08:41 AM

Originally posted by graememk
look into building a austin healey 3000 replica

i like the healey idea with beefy arches from sebring

[Edited on 11/9/10 by woodster]

iank - 11/9/10 at 08:49 AM

The big money pit on cobras is the chrome+cream leather+walnut dash+wilton carpet thing that seems common.

Build one as a stripped out racer and the costs become more sane, though still a lot more than a 7.

Blackbird Rush - 11/9/10 at 08:54 AM

Answer is easy, dont mess about with the new pinto you have for the rush, just stick a V8 in it

Cobras are great but ££££ for a decent one and you need a big garage, would love to build one myself but will have to wait and prob build one as a mid life crisis in a few years time (being able to house the current rush and have a new project on the go at the same time=money and a big garage thus will need to wait a few years to get to this stage myself....)

bitsilly - 11/9/10 at 09:07 AM

When you say hard top version, I guess you mean a Cobra with a hard top on?
If you mean the Daytona version they are even more expensive than Cobras!
GD offer a great quality package and a great chassis, but I have been on a track in a Dax which rivalled it. I would say that if you end up going for a modern V8 then GD cater the best for LS series. They are not the easiest cars to give the tradiditional look too as they have a lot of modern features or ways of doing things.
I built a Ram which is very similar to the GD chassis and was designed by Raynard. Rams had their own Race series in France and Thunder Road Cars Race one now. They are still available from Realm engineering.
There are lots of others available all with their own merits.
How they end up when finished is never the same even if from the same manufacturer.
I would say first join the Cobra Club Forums and go to a big show like Stonleigh.
Then when closer to the end go back to Stonleigh and looks at all the Cobras and choose the add ons you like best (wheels, mirrors etc).
There is a lot to be said for buying an old one and rebuilding it too thanks to IVA.

ps Hard tops can be made to fit any kit. DB cars (Dave Brookes) do a really nice one.

stevebubs - 11/9/10 at 09:27 AM

The Hawk hardtop is one of the nicest I've seen...

02GF74 - 11/9/10 at 09:30 AM

noone has talked about karts.

can't say I know much abouot them but I assume this would be for racing?

racing is not ££££, you can expect to bend your kart at every outing -0 do you want to be spending the time and money in between prep for the next race?

cobra is good ... but very popular, what about the early wire wheel kit (can't recall who makes it but think that is quite ££££).

start gathering info, do the sums, then doulbe and see how it goes.

GD T7 (Lola rep) is one to consider IMO.

^^^ as thingy above said, think it is the Hawk that do the wire wheel version.

[Edited on 11/9/10 by 02GF74]

belgian2b - 11/9/10 at 11:56 AM


i keep waiting for this one


Dave Ashurst - 11/9/10 at 12:02 PM

Build a helicopter and learn to fly. How cool would your commute be then?

omega0684 - 11/9/10 at 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Dave Ashurst
Build a helicopter and learn to fly. How cool would your commute be then?

looking to move to MK in the next few months possibly, what a good thought though!

[Edited on 11/9/10 by omega0684]

StevieB - 11/9/10 at 12:34 PM

Do both - that's what I'm on with.

I'm building a BEC frogeye racer for hillclimbing/sprinting/trackdays/bit of road use.

I'm also gathering the parts for a pro-kart to get some cheap(ish) race experience in the meantime.

Just started getting my bike license sorted out as well, so that's a third thing to cram into my tiny garage!

I'm glad my mortgage renewal has saved me a significant amount of cash every month

eddie99 - 11/9/10 at 01:23 PM

Personally i don't like the cobras but if thats what you want go for it. Although im with a reply above about do it proper with cash if your going to do one, don't do it half hearted...

omega0684 - 12/9/10 at 06:54 AM

Originally posted by eddie99
Personally i don't like the cobras


morcus - 12/9/10 at 07:15 AM

I'd love a Cobra, I even think you could easilly use one as you everyday car if you set it up right. I like the Daytonas even more (Apparantly the real daytonas were tested on our motorways before they were limited.

As above, if you can afford it why not?

Ivan - 12/9/10 at 07:33 AM

My wife & I completed our Cobra kit 20 years ago. Made it very basic as I have never been one for "Show and shine" and always felt that the people who spend time money and effort in all the engine and body bling at a huge cost and are then scared to use it as it is meant to be used have completely lost the plot.

The Cobra was meant to be a race car and race cars do not have bling or concourse looks.

Even though my car is tatty and dirty with bad paint it never ceases to get positive reactions every time I go for a drive. It also never ceases to bring a smile to my face every time I drive it as well.

So - the motors are cheap to build if you are sensible, the handling will never be better than a well sorted Locost, fuel consumption is massive unless you get a modern Fuel injected motor. If you go for a more minimalist approach and build the car for yourself and not for the showground a car should be affordable.

clairetoo - 12/9/10 at 12:02 PM

Originally posted by omega0684
Originally posted by eddie99
Personally i don't like the cobras


Sorry to say , but I'm not a Cobra fan either - they just dont `do it' for me .
I want a car that is small , light , nimble , and cheap - however you build it , a Cobra just wont fit my needs .

Badger_McLetcher - 13/9/10 at 12:45 AM

Buy a bodyshell, design chassis and suspension to fit with components from a suitable donor (BMW thingy maybe?).
That way it's cheaper, more interesting and you'll end up with a unique car.
On the other hand it's about ten times more likely to bog down!

TimC - 13/9/10 at 06:40 AM

Again, not a Cobra fan, although more so having had a good look at Bitsilly's RAM; but if the funds are there or you see no impediments to future income/disposable cash and its what you want then do it.

I'm increasingly drawn to the Realm D-Type/XKSS.