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old school rangerover,am i missing something?
StrikerChris - 23/9/10 at 07:58 AM

Hi folks,
Trying unsuccessfully to bleed the brakes on my old rangie.they never really worked with the previous abuser so I put new pistons and seals all round,still pants so resealed the master cylinder.still pants,can't get a half decent pedal!
It's got 2 pots on the back with a nipple each,(which appear to bleed ok)and 4 pots on the front with 3 nipples there an order to bleed these?doing my head in now,its not for the road,would just like a firm pedal for when things go tits up!
Any advice appreciate.

britishtrident - 23/9/10 at 08:07 AM

Try bleeding with an Eezibleed, but I would suspect a seized piston or two in one of the calipers.

skydivepaul - 23/9/10 at 09:46 AM

yes bleeding the brakes on a range rover is no easy task.
these have power brakes and depending which model you have you need to bleed the system in stages.
you have to bleed the accumulator first then bleed each corner in turn.
you really need a manual to follow the exact procedure.
i have done a few of these and it is a two man job and a pain in the arse

boggle - 23/9/10 at 10:12 AM

i spent ages bleeding my classic brakes only to find the master cylinder had died!

StrikerChris - 23/9/10 at 11:50 AM

A manual,wash your mouth out lol. I give in tho and will have to borrow one,glad its not just me struggling tho.cheers

jamiepearson69 - 23/9/10 at 11:51 AM

Yep, its a real pain!

Get hold of a haynes manual, disco one will do, it gives you the specific order of how to bleed the brakes.

I spent ages tring to work out why I could not get any pedal pressure and then after reading the manual it all came apparent.