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degreaser tank
gavin174 - 10/10/10 at 10:12 AM

stupid question no.1..

I have bought a 40 gallon degreaser tank.

similar to this one..

do i need 40 gallons of degreaser or will that fill it to the top..

cheers Gavin

wilkingj - 10/10/10 at 10:28 AM

Dont fill it to the top! It will splash everywhere, and cover you as well.

Also if you put a large item or two in there it will overflow!

Also consider a full face splashguard, and a good supply of stout rubber gloves that wont disolve in oil / solvents.

Choose your degreaser fluid with care, it needs to do the job, and you need to remain safe.
Solvents can be absorbed by the skin and attack your nervous system. So do it right, regardless of the money... Health is a life time issue. (I know from bitter experience)

Good tool though, I have the next size down and its a good bit of kit.


gavin174 - 10/10/10 at 10:31 AM

would 20 gallon be enough..

I am sure you only half fill them..

what fluid would you recommend and wheres the best place to get it from.


Mark Allanson - 10/10/10 at 10:46 AM

All the ones I have used, you don't fill at all, you fill a tank underneath and the pump takes the cleaner upto the spray tap and then it flows back into the pump tank via a filter trap.

trextr7monkey - 10/10/10 at 01:48 PM

Hi ,we had one similar bought from a westfield guy who had never used it - if there's a shelf inside the fluid level wants to be below that-, there might be a line stamped onto tank.
Beware of the smell - ours came half full of some sort of paraffin/jizer derivative and after a few days the whole garage had the sweet sickly smell that really switches women into nagging mode
I think machine mart advertise some water based parts cleaner but I've never used it - the eco friendly versions never seem to be as good as the stuff "made in the days when people didn't give a damn about anything but getting the job done"


interestedparty - 10/10/10 at 01:55 PM

Parrafin is pretty good, doesn't smell too bad, you can buy it from ironmongers who sell it as fuel for greenhouse heaters etc.

Obviously it's flammable, but only if you actually light it deliberately, and naked flames in a workshop are problematic anyway.