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chrisxr2 - 1/11/10 at 07:06 PM

Insurance renewal through, knocked 40 quid of so 312 fully comp with 5000 mile limit. Not too bad as me and my lass have a no fault accident 6 points (Both her) and a drink drive conviction (ME) Asleep in the car with keys long story) Lass on phone did say across the board there has been a 6 percent increase. Thanks to all those where theres a blame theres a claim muppets we all suffer.

AndyW - 1/11/10 at 08:33 PM

what were the 6 points for??

morcus - 1/11/10 at 09:56 PM

I'd guess 2 speeding tickets from cameras.

I'm more intrested in the other story, would you care to enlighten us?

chrisxr2 - 1/11/10 at 10:44 PM

lass had two speeding fines, i was found aslleep in the car with the keys, initially charged with drunk in charge, later drink driving, you get caught drunk in a car near christmas you are getting done whatever got 2 year ban and 100 hours community service as i plead not guilty, reduced to 18 months with an alchol awarenesss course. Also got accidentaly convicted of driving without insurance by an admin error (Civil servant ticked wrong box) got it sorted, still on my licence when i got it back so more paperwork with dvla to get it expunged from my licence. Our legal system is a joke, what can i say.

Dangle_kt - 1/11/10 at 11:18 PM

I had no idea about sleeping in the car bladdered wasn't allowed!

Worth knowing!

speed8 - 2/11/10 at 07:45 AM

I think you can sleep in a car but make sure you are in the back and the keys are nowhere near you. If the keys are in your possession then you are in charge of the vehicle.

mistergrumpy - 2/11/10 at 01:53 PM

Be careful with that one^ If the keys are suitably close and accessable, say outside on top of the wheel as that's happened before, you're still drunk in charge.

JoelP - 2/11/10 at 03:33 PM

even approaching your car in possession of the keys can get you done for drunk driving (assuming you are drunk, of course).

I think they've gone too far on that aspect, myself. How many times have you gone out to get something from the car after a few cans at home?

Ninehigh - 2/11/10 at 05:13 PM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
Be careful with that one^ If the keys are suitably close and accessable, say outside on top of the wheel as that's happened before, you're still drunk in charge.

To be fair if you had to sleep in your car where do they expect you to keep the keys?

morcus - 2/11/10 at 11:55 PM

The police don't like you sleeping in your car non stop, and other people tend to wake you up aswell.

13 years ago my dad bought an Espace so he could sleep in it (Sleeping bag in the centre aisle) and every time he tried He'd get woken up by police or concerned members of the public.