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Got to get some of these wheels? for the Winter
rf900rush - 18/11/10 at 08:43 PM

Just what I need for this winter.


pekwah1 - 18/11/10 at 08:51 PM

those things have been around for quite a while.
The impressive ones are on the amphibious things used to chop up floating ice

PSpirine - 18/11/10 at 08:57 PM

Really amazing given the date of that thing.

A couple of points I found best however:

1) The competitor test - the competition to this vehicle is.. a horse.

2) The advert - this amazing machine pre-dates movies with sound!

LBMEFM - 19/11/10 at 04:56 AM

Amazing, what a great piece of black and white film for a brilliant invention. Did they ever make it to production?