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polishing stainless etc products?
StrikerChris - 8/12/10 at 02:28 AM

Hi,I bought a kit with 2 mops and 2 'soap' type compounds years back for less than £10(now similar things seem 3 times the price) and have been pleased with the results,fairly quickly getting a mirror finish over various things I've made.Now the soaps are worn out just wondering what compounds others have had success with,autosol or the likes I've probably got lying round,or is it worth paying for the right stuff to reduce effort?and also which grades,my soap type bars were grey to start,pink for finishing if that rings any bells..links's appreciated.

BenB - 8/12/10 at 08:40 AM

I've used autosol and it works fine with a little polishing mop. Polished up my stainless side pipes with it nicely.

RazMan - 8/12/10 at 08:57 AM

The soaps are the only way to keep polish on the mop (and not over everything else) You can get them on eBay and they are not very pricey and last for ages.

Bluemoon - 8/12/10 at 12:05 PM

Originally posted by RazMan
The soaps are the only way to keep polish on the mop (and not over everything else) You can get them on eBay and they are not very pricey and last for ages.

Yep that's my experance two.. Tried using conventional polish no luck, the soap has a higher melting point and stays stuck on the mop...

Grimsdale - 8/12/10 at 12:23 PM has good kit for modest prices and miminal delivery cost.