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Is it a Repeat?
dave - 21/12/10 at 08:11 PM

GMPMotorsport - 21/12/10 at 08:16 PM

If you mean TG then no, anything else not sure

mangogrooveworkshop - 21/12/10 at 09:15 PM

Is it a Repeat?

mangogrooveworkshop - 21/12/10 at 09:16 PM

Is it a Repeat?

mangogrooveworkshop - 21/12/10 at 09:16 PM


blakep82 - 21/12/10 at 09:39 PM

confused though, is this a new series or a sort of 2 part xmas special? the adverts have said its a 2 part special, clarkson seemed to suggest its a new series, and the sky synopsis had the right description, but said it was show 7/7