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fifth gear
madteg - 11/1/11 at 09:55 PM

Anyone else just seen jason plato rip a westfield to bits. he he he

theduck - 11/1/11 at 09:58 PM

Link to video

marcjagman - 11/1/11 at 10:07 PM

Love the way he literally pulls bits of and that steering wheel was amazing.

bi22le - 11/1/11 at 10:13 PM

Well he would have a right shock if he sees some of the cars we have got!!

AndyW - 11/1/11 at 10:19 PM

That has to be one of the best reviews Ive seen. The look on his face is genuine disgust. He was hoping for soooo much more. And he said he could build better in his garage. Just what we are all doing!!!

BenB - 11/1/11 at 10:24 PM

I've said it before and I'll say it again, JP doesn't like 7esque cars. Which makes you wonder why they got him to review it. When he was reviewing the Atom he basically admitted that he doesn't like that type of car...... So what's he going to think about it?

theduck - 11/1/11 at 10:26 PM

Lets face it, the man drives a daewoo...

A1 - 11/1/11 at 11:05 PM

hes a bit of a prat... still, what the hell was that steering wheel made of?!

ReMan - 12/1/11 at 12:05 AM

But as far as £25000k gets you

Simon - 12/1/11 at 12:30 AM

I caught the review on telly the other night and thought he ought to be test driving things like a Volvo 240 (from 1985) as he'd probably enjoy it. Came across as a moany old woman. Of course thing bend - they're light, and £25k is cheap.

As for what would the germans think, er (in the voice of Al Murray) "Vow, I viche ve hat zat much imaginnnaaaaation"



loggyboy - 12/1/11 at 01:29 AM

RE RE repost

blakep82 - 12/1/11 at 03:20 AM

lol so you liked that, but there was uproar when JC did the same thing with that lancia on top gear? lol

GMPMotorsport - 12/1/11 at 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Simon
I caught the review on telly the other night and thought he ought to be test driving things like a Volvo 240 (from 1985) as he'd probably enjoy it. Came across as a moany old woman. Of course thing bend - they're light, and £25k is cheap.

As for what would the germans think, er (in the voice of Al Murray) "Vow, I viche ve hat zat much imaginnnaaaaation"



I don't think £25K is cheap! there are far more better built cars for that kind ok money.