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Ramp Magazine
mistergrumpy - 22/1/11 at 08:46 PM

I'm not long back from Germany after a few days away. When I was noseying through the shop in the airport I saw a magazine/book called 'Ramp'. I had a quick look through and there were some nice pictures in particular one but there was no price on the shelf and I only had a few Euros left so I checked in and that was that but this picture's been playing on my mind.
I've found the website but can't read German and was wondering if anyone could pull the picture off the page for me, keeping it a decent size about a full screen size somehow, without losing the quality?
This is the website and its on page 100, which can be found under the main heading "magazin #12.
I'd like to have it on my laptop and possibly get it blown up onto canvas.
Oh its a Ferarri in red and a Porsche in Gulf colours.

steve m - 22/1/11 at 09:15 PM

Im sure it wa "Rump"


hootsno1 - 22/1/11 at 09:19 PM

I cant reach the top shelf so wouldnt know

steve m - 22/1/11 at 09:24 PM

I cant reach the middle shelf !!

mistergrumpy - 22/1/11 at 09:25 PM

Them kind of magazines weren't even on the top shelf and were easily to hand on the central shelves...or so I'm led to believe *ahem*

steve m - 22/1/11 at 09:31 PM

But that could of been the Germanic way of sorting,
mybe a but more liberal than we are

Ninehigh - 22/1/11 at 09:54 PM

Originally posted by steve m
I cant reach the middle shelf !!

What are you three foot tall?

Are you after the first page of this?

mistergrumpy - 22/1/11 at 10:14 PM

No its not that one mate. You have to choose magazin #12 from the main contents and it page 100. The two cars racing on a track.

prawnabie - 22/1/11 at 10:20 PM

I would Email the magazine and ask for the photographers contact details.

mistergrumpy - 23/1/11 at 10:34 AM

Yeah. I know what you mean but I've done that with other magazines in the past and I've never got any replies. I reckoned it'd be easier to just get some tech wizard to pull a copy off the page or easier still I bet I could get someone in Germany to post a copy back

balidey - 23/1/11 at 11:10 AM

can't see any page numbers, but assume its this one?

I can't seem to zoom in any more to get a better size picture, but that is just a screen grab and smudged on the spine to remove most of the vertical line.

mistergrumpy - 23/1/11 at 11:23 AM

That's it! Thanks matey "screen grabbing" and "smudging" are a bit of a mystery to me. We had green screens and big floppy disks when I was taught computers at school

Peteff - 23/1/11 at 01:26 PM

We had chalk and slates when I was at school