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Steering wheel buttons
Yazza54 - 26/1/11 at 12:29 PM

My fury has little push buttons for the indicators and horn on the steering wheel. The wires to these are just taped up and run along the steering column, which works but isn't great. How can I make a better job of it? I'm thinking one of those curly extendable cables (I think thats the technical term ). Do they come in multiple cores? I'd need 6 core if poss. Any ideas?


NigeEss - 26/1/11 at 12:42 PM

It's called Spiral Cable

Yazza54 - 26/1/11 at 12:45 PM

Ordered a 6c spiral cable and 6 way multipin plug to wire in instead. Should work a lot better as at the moment it's been wired permanent so even though the steering wheel is quick release it's bound on by the wiring! Thanks.

:{THC}:YosamiteSam - 27/1/11 at 06:42 PM

if you go to maplins they do a panel mounted plug and socket with locking ring which works great for this kind of thing. it needs a locking ring to stop it dropping out of the plug when turning the wheel. cheap as chips. you need to solder them. buy some very thin heat shrink and some heat shrink to go over the lot and plugs / switch wiring - looks so much neater. i used small black 'P' clips on the back of the wheel to fix the wire from left and right sides of the wheel to the centre point, then anchor it with a 'P' clip - then over to the dash plug. let the spiral cable go over the top of the steering column it rests on the column to take the weight. make sure it wont get trapped or fray. put the dash plug on the right side of the steering column hole.