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Just got motivation back and then..........
AndyW - 26/1/11 at 06:44 PM

I go out to the garage at lunch today, to get a few things for work. Find that the car is somehow now burried into my work bench. My 3 tonne jack has collapsed, causing the car to move forward on the jacks wheels, falls off the rear axle stands and now sits rather akwardly on the floor. No wheels on her yet. Had to get the wife to retreive the axle stands whilst I lift the back end up. Now done my bl00dy back in

Now, do I go out there tonight and try and straighten her up ( the car and not my mrs!) or do I leave it till I've calmed down. And yes, before anyone says so, I know I should not have left it on a jack

Still, could be worse, no damage done to the car.

Any one got a couple of spare axle stands the want rid of??


blakep82 - 26/1/11 at 06:51 PM

do it now, you'll get more done while you're wound up by it. hopefully, but don't do your back in again

bitsilly - 26/1/11 at 06:52 PM

Bad luck!
Personally I would walk away and have a beer.

ps thanks for telling us, I had kinda thought jacks collapsing was H&S talk.

nib1980 - 26/1/11 at 06:57 PM

personally i'd say have a rest.

where are you based?

maybe someone local can come and help?

DRC INDY 7 - 26/1/11 at 08:09 PM

No not h&s rubbish i lost a good friend of mine 17 years ago due to him working on a car with just the jack told hime many a time to put some axle stands under the car i will be alrite comes the reply he was working on his own on this occasion well the car slipped of the jack and crushed him died on the way to hospital

omega0684 - 26/1/11 at 09:22 PM

working whilst in "RED MIST" mode is counter productive, you'll only end up makeing even more mistakes, leave it 24/48 ours and go back!

Ninehigh - 26/1/11 at 09:26 PM

Originally posted by omega0684
working whilst in "RED MIST" mode is counter productive, you'll only end up makeing even more mistakes, leave it 24/48 ours and go back!

Exactly, doing anything in anger isn't a good idea. In fact some poker pros make an effort to upset you and put you "on tilt" so you're off your game