Complete Kit Car Postcard - Warner R4 one-off on eBay (end time 30-Jan-11 22:04:58 GMT)
I wonder if Cloudy has given permission to do this?
I think you sign the rights over by agreeing to the photoshoot
There are no rights to sign over (unless Cloudy snapped the photo), copyright belongs to whoever took the pic.
was it some thing produced by kit car ?
thats a picture from an official ckc photo shoot, the post cards were given away at shows and with mags from what i can remember. photographic rights belong to ckc. from what i can see hes just selling what he has rather than reproducing them so there is no copyright issue, its just a simple sale of goods.
Ah roger. Nice picure as it happens by the way.
I got one of them.
Unfortunatly just a post card though.