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Something that should be made harder..
loggyboy - 4/2/11 at 03:39 PM

... set to get either easier, or be open to 'bending' of the rules.

jacko - 4/2/11 at 04:11 PM

I bet you have passed your test already saying it should be made harder

loggyboy - 4/2/11 at 04:50 PM

True, but I would like to see motorway lessons, skid control and maybe even advanced tests that allow you to drive more powerful cars and maybe even higher mway speed limits when traffic and conditions allow for those who have passed.

Amount of road (mainly m/way) users that dont know the basics either because it was assumed they knew it, or they were never taught properly.

RazMan - 4/2/11 at 05:30 PM

I have to agree about the motorway experience. The current test teaches you how to pass a test and not really how to drive properly. You need to experience different conditions, so a skidpan element should be in there, also a day and night driving section would be good. Maybe less theory and more experience is needed.

Badger_McLetcher - 4/2/11 at 05:36 PM

I don't think they should be made harder per se, but I tend to think that the current driving test does little to prepare drivers for the roads. As said above - motorway time, skid control and general car control would be beneficial. Agree about more experience/less theory too, though the inclusion of basic car maintenance in it is a good idea (IE are your tyres bald etc.)

jacko - 4/2/11 at 07:07 PM

I agree, but a learner is not aloud on a motor way until they pass the test .
skid pad would be good
experiences is suppose to come from lessons with a driving instructor [ school ]
my Daughter had to do night driving as well as day [ Bsm ] basic maintenance is part of the test ie wheel change ,

one good thing would be to have a minimum amount of lessons and no taking tests without lessons from a proper driving school

[Edited on 4/2/11 by jacko]

loggyboy - 5/2/11 at 10:45 AM

Originally posted by jacko
I agree, but a learner is not aloud on a motor way until they pass the test .

Thats exectly the problem! they should be allowed once their instructor feels they are ready and only with an approved instructor. They are allowed to drive on near identical dual carridgeways with identical speed limits. I know not all towns are near a motorway, but something should be done, as mentioned above, to increase the expereince of learners, not just teach them the theory.

morcus - 5/2/11 at 08:00 PM

I think some motorway lessons should be compulsory, I had one two hour lesson (I had credit left) and I felt that I really learned alot. I don't think it should be part of the test as such, but I think it should be compulsory to get a lesson with a propper driving instructor before you can go out on a motorway.

I agree with the ealier post about having a minimum number of lessons with a recognised driving school and I was told by my instructor 4 years ago that there were alot of people in government and in their assosiations who wanted this to be the case.

I don't think out sourcing would be so bad as long as it's propperly regulated. The test centre in Ashford is closing down in the next couple of months (Because it shared a building with HMRandC which has now left as part of Exit Southeast, a whole other topic) and I actually think it's a good thing it's gone because it was in such a stupid place that I know loads of people who failed on the street infront on their way out. Under these plans Test centres are more likely to be in better places and if they're privately run there'll likely be more so you won't have to book 2 months in advance (Which is really annoying if you fail on something trivial and the guy actually tells you your safe to drive but he has to fail you.) They already do this with motorbikes don't they?