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Investigation into F1 takeover deal
James - 16/2/11 at 02:47 AM

For those interested in F1 politics.

I remember a really interesting article posted by British Trident a couple of years ago about Bernie/Max's dodgy dealing and how they'd made millions/billions out of it all.


designer - 16/2/11 at 09:00 AM

That's how Bernie works, after all his was a second hand car salesman.

And Max, well, he's just a corrupt as all the others.

That's how rich men get richer.

mrwibble - 16/2/11 at 10:45 AM

bleh. i think thats a fair comment on the whole thing. what is really rather hideous is the fact a sport has come under control of these horrendously greedy and corrupt bugg*rs.

Confused but excited. - 16/2/11 at 11:30 AM

It's the same with all major sporting events. It used to be about the sport, now it's all about the money.

MikeCapon - 16/2/11 at 11:46 AM

Much as I hate Bernie and Max you have got to hand it to them. When they got involved with F1 it was an amateurish sport with very little interest being shown by anyone other than a limited number of hardcore fans.

They have created their own product from a sport that was hidden away, into a huge global entertainment package. It takes vision, investment and courage to do all that.

A lot of why people don't like them much is simply because their business plan worked. I doubt they are losing any sleep over their lack of popularity with the sports viewers. We are all still watching......

As for their lack of honesty, I doubt it's any worse than most other highly succesful businessmen.

I still hate 'em though

interestedparty - 16/2/11 at 12:05 PM

Originally posted by MikeCapon
We are all still watching......

I realise it's very popular, but I got fed up with it a long time ago. Can't remember when I last watched one.

designer - 16/2/11 at 12:05 PM

F1 is not a sport anymore, and I was a fanatic, but now, can't be bothered.

In what sport do people take part in with no chance of winning? I know people enter the Olympics and are miles behind, but they are the best from their country.

I know you have heard it all before, but F1 was a lot better, amateurish perhaps, but you could meet the drivers, see the cars close up, had passing.

Surely the principle is to pass the finish line knackered, not with an engine ready for the next race!!

Viewing figures are dropping, as it's all the same. You have ONE good passing move and it's called the most exciting race ever!!! And, they describe each year as the best ever.

You can't believe what Keke Rosberg looked like drifting in a 800hp Williams and averaging over 150mph.

F1 is controllable, and can go back to how it was. It just need somebody in charge who is not coin operated.