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Topgear don't look if you have not seen it yet
jacko - 20/2/11 at 10:04 PM

What did people think of it tonight
i like the idea of the snow snowplough

MakeEverything - 20/2/11 at 10:10 PM

Im sorry to say, crap though i did only see it from 8 onwards.

RazMan - 20/2/11 at 10:37 PM

Not sure about the actual challenges that the farmers would have converting and renting out their very expensive combines but I quite like their logic. Mind you, they would take a while getting to all the snow-blocked roads at 12 mph

carpmart - 20/2/11 at 10:40 PM


Worst show for a LONG time! Boring Boring Boring!!!!!!!!!

pdm - 20/2/11 at 10:42 PM

james may - bovril

amber heard - muscle cars

whats not too like

AND Hammonds had his hair cut

Humbug - 20/2/11 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by RazMan
Not sure about the actual challenges that the farmers would have converting and renting out their very expensive combines but I quite like their logic. Mind you, they would take a while getting to all the snow-blocked roads at 12 mph

... and at least in some places somethign similar is already being done: local councils have a contract with farmers to attach snowplough blades to their tractors when needed.


MikeRJ - 20/2/11 at 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Humbug


The farmers have have been told they have to use white diesel since they are on the road, so many of them aren't bothering any more as fuel costs eat most of any profit they could make.

ashg - 20/2/11 at 11:04 PM

i loved the bit where jezzer jumped head first into the deep snow only to find that it wasnt deep at all.

Badger_McLetcher - 20/2/11 at 11:13 PM

Originally posted by pdm
amber heard

I agree.

James - 21/2/11 at 02:00 AM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
Im sorry to say, crap though i did only see it from 8 onwards.

Ah, I turned on at 8 as I was watching that excellent Graham Hill documentry. It did seem like the 'intro' bit was missing!

I was really looking forward to seeing the MP4-12c... was it on there at the beginning?

I don't have TV so went over specially to my managers house (from when I worked at Mclaren) expecting it to be on and wanting to watch with him. Most of the episode from 8pm was that ridiulous combine harvester thing... I was embarassed I'd wasted his time!

What time did it start? Was the Macca on before 8?


[Edited on 21/2/11 by James]

James - 21/2/11 at 02:39 AM

Okay, weird. WTF is going on with the Mclaren? I've checked the episode guide and it's not on next week either?

I know it was briefly shown at the end of last week but that wasn't the proper review was it?

I know that the car's been to Dunsfold. I know it's been round the track driven by the Stig. I even know who beat The Stig's time in it (and how they did it), but they're not showing it?

It's reviewed in practically every car mag out this week/month... Top Gear missed the boat and it's next series?

Or am I missing summat and it's already been on an no one's mentioned it!


jeffw - 21/2/11 at 06:18 AM

You do realise it started at 8.00 ? Straight after the Graham Hill documentary on the same channel?

smart51 - 21/2/11 at 08:08 AM

Originally posted by ashg
i loved the bit where jezzer jumped head first into the deep snow only to find that it wasnt deep at all.

I laughed so hard I had to rewind it several times.

liam.mccaffrey - 21/2/11 at 08:20 AM

It only started at 8 in Engerland. In the principality we had to wait untill 5 past 10 on account of the Welsh Open Snooker final.

vinny1275 - 21/2/11 at 08:22 AM

It's funny that they went to Norway with their "idea" - a country which already pays its farmers to keep the roads clear over winter....

Jezza jumping headfirst into the ice was brilliant.....

hughpinder - 21/2/11 at 08:23 AM

In our area they went the opposite way - the farmers used to keep the roads clear, but then the councils got a nominally cheaper fixed price from some national company to do it all - it was a disaster this year. Also as said the farmers are legally obliged to drain all the red out of their tanks and fill with white if working on the roads - hence no hedges are being cut on the road side now.

Was the snow that Clarkson dived into actually shallow, or just frozen solid? I did laugh a lot at that.


mrwibble - 21/2/11 at 10:09 AM

i enjoyed the flame thrower and the man on fire even if i suspect he wasn't just a random passer by...

james may and his bovril overflow also made me chuckle.