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Checking vehicle identity based on VIN?
StevieB - 22/2/11 at 05:08 PM


This is a question about a motorbike but I guess it would bequally applicable to cars too.

I'm looking at buying a cheap 125cc bike and most in my price range tend to be field bikes with no V5 present.

While I would obviously make sure a frame and engine number is intact, is there anywhere on the internet I can type in the VIN and check whether the bike has ever been reported stolen?

I don't want to buy a bike and end up losing it to the rightful owner as soon as I apply for the V5 doc.



PS. Anyone got a DT 125 R tucked away that they don't want anymore?

r1_pete - 22/2/11 at 05:11 PM

Last time I bought a bike with no V5, I needed the registration number to get one, things may have changed in the online world, it is a good few years ago....

HowardB - 22/2/11 at 05:44 PM

my brother had a dt125R nicked, I guess it probably ended up being used by the local youths on the estate,...

I did find somewhere that claimed to check,..

try here

hope that works for you

Peteff - 22/2/11 at 08:24 PM

Take the number on the headstock to your bike MOT station and get them to run it through the computer. If it has been registered since the new system came in it should show up.

StevieB - 23/2/11 at 07:45 PM

The budget I'm working with means that very few bikes I'll be looking at will have been registered since the new system was put in place.