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Thanks to admin/mods
loggyboy - 14/3/11 at 06:38 PM

I'd just like to thank them for protecting us against the scary knowledge that people might drive whilst on drugs. I for one didnt think it was bad and im glad I now know differently!

MikeRJ - 14/3/11 at 06:50 PM

Why post pointless spam like this? What does it achieve?

loggyboy - 14/3/11 at 06:52 PM

I was voicing my displeasure at (IMO) unnecessary censorship on an adult frequented website.

I could argue its as pointless as your reply?

scootz - 14/3/11 at 06:55 PM


loggyboy - 14/3/11 at 06:56 PM

Refers to this thread BTW:

blakep82 - 14/3/11 at 06:56 PM

Originally posted by scootz

the 'whats you best crash' thread...

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 06:59 PM

i admit the title was poor...

scootz - 14/3/11 at 07:03 PM

I can see Fozzie's point... doesn't paint the (largely educational) forum in a good light!

jollygreengiant - 14/3/11 at 07:05 PM

Personally I can't possibly, see what justification there could be, for bragging about very poor ( or Worse) driving standards.

Not something I could be proud of. I value my ability to control a car.

Cheers fozzie.

blakep82 - 14/3/11 at 07:07 PM

Originally posted by scootz
I can see Fozzie's point... doesn't paint the (largely educational) forum in a good light!

no... 'my brother wasn't on best form' would have done, still, we're all grown up, we know it happens, and i guess it shows that using stuff like that caused the crash, and its a bad thing,

either way when chris or fozzie see this it'll be closed too and maybe deleted, so it achieves nothing anyway, except pissing them off
same as this one

[Edited on 14/3/11 by blakep82]

loggyboy - 14/3/11 at 07:08 PM

Oh yes, I forgot, accidents only happen to people when its 'their' driving thats at fault.

If the comments re drug use were considered 'inappropriate' then surely a simple amendment to that post would have surficed?

Hellfire - 14/3/11 at 07:09 PM

Although I agree with Fozzies closing comments on the thread, I don't think it should have been closed. It wasn't getting particularly heated and didn't refer to any member of this forum. I've seen far more heated debates on drink driving topics..............


Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 07:30 PM

This website is primarily for those who are building cars.......seeking help with their builds, and a bit of chat....well actually a lot of chat.

It is NOT an 'adult only' forum........

It is also used very frequently by schools and colleges.........

You (loggyboy and mr wibble) clearly have little knowledge of guidelines and legalities involved in running a responsible forum.

As said..there was no problem with the topic, even though rather tasteless/pointless, it was the reference to an illegal
dare I say it, crime .... that was the issue.

You would do well to remember that any post on this site is 'making an announcement to the world.'
Anyone can see and read them.

I/we do not close threads lightly, thought and discussion usually precedes......and for those that have participated in the closed
thread it will not always be a popular decision.

ChrisW (site owner) and I both had the same view to close the thread.


mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 07:46 PM

it would of been nice to talk about this in private, however you haven't given me any choice and i'll have to reply here.

I think if u had thought about a legal and responsibly guided forum you would of deleted the offending remarks, and not done as u have now, which is draw attention to them instead.

as for if it was a bit tasteless, there were a few laughs in that thread aswell, and as for pointless, next time someone says nice weather today, will u just ignore them or pass the time of day?

and if u want to talk about crimes, go and look at the thread marked how fast did u drive on a public highway?!

as i have made clear elsewhere, my annoucement about my brothers poor judgement which i DIDN'T know about when i got in the car.

Had it been a comment about drink driving I don't think you would of done the same.

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by mrwibble
it would of been nice to talk about this in private, however you haven't given me any choice and i'll have to reply here.

I think if u had thought about a legal and responsibly guided forum you would of deleted the offending remarks, and not done as u have now, which is draw attention to them instead.

as for if it was a bit tasteless, there were a few laughs in that thread aswell, and as for pointless, next time someone says nice weather today, will u just ignore them or pass the time of day?

and if u want to talk about crimes, go and look at the thread marked how fast did u drive on a public highway?!

as i have made clear elsewhere, my annoucement about my brothers poor judgement which i DIDN'T know about when i got in the car.

Had it been a comment about drink driving I don't think you would of done the same.

Sorry.........but you are the one drawing attention to this.......yes......I got your u2u......
There was nothing in it to change the decision.......

Edit to add.....Oh yes...perhaps, mr wibble, you would look at Nick205's title does NOT mention a 'Public Highway' .....

[Edited on 14-3-11 by Fozzie]

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 08:13 PM

yeah and i was nice and polite and would of at least responded to you had the tables been turned.

sigh. enough point scoring fozzie i've clearly rattled you, so they all did 130 on track did they, not if you read the posts...

never mind mate, i just think you could of handled it better, i think i could of asked a better question in my post, and maybe been a bit more sensitive to peoples concerns.

[Edited on 14/3/11 by mrwibble]

JoelP - 14/3/11 at 08:25 PM

sometimes as moderator fozzie has to make a decision that wont please everyone. Thats life. I think its bang out of order giving her a hard time about it, its a voluntary job that someone has to do.

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 08:35 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
sometimes as moderator fozzie has to make a decision that wont please everyone. Thats life. I think its bang out of order giving her a hard time about it, its a voluntary job that someone has to do.

i think we're all human and make mistakes.

blakep82 - 14/3/11 at 08:41 PM

Originally posted by mrwibble
Originally posted by JoelP
sometimes as moderator fozzie has to make a decision that wont please everyone. Thats life. I think its bang out of order giving her a hard time about it, its a voluntary job that someone has to do.

i think we're all human and make mistakes.

is that you admiting you made a mistake in persuing this?
sorry i couldn't resist that, i'm not getting involved in this lol

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 08:41 PM

Mr Wibble.........I do not recall anyone talking of taking recreational drugs before, during, or after Nick's thread,
if I am incorrect please do show me the post.

As for being 'rattled'......................Mr clearly do NOT know me.......

Coffee and Hobnobs anyone?

blakep82 - 14/3/11 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Coffee and Hobnobs anyone?

any popcorn?

McLannahan - 14/3/11 at 08:45 PM

Orange "Club" and a cha please Fozzie. Hoping of course they still make orange Clubs??

Agriv8 - 14/3/11 at 08:56 PM

can I have a decaff as its too late for leaded coffee for me and chocolate given up for lent in the agriv8 house.

PS I Cut down to one cup of coffee a day and one cup of tea - 4 weeks in and talk about cold turkey ( from up to 7 or 8 cupps strong coffe 2 spoons of instant ) worse than giving up a 20 fags a day ( not quite true but it feels that way ) but doctos orders are doctors orders.

anyhow fozzie you fully mended yet ?

regards agriv8

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 08:58 PM

Blake.....sorry.....I'm fresh out of popcorn .....DLT has just scoffed it all....

Mac........sugar in your cha? ....mmmm ... orange Clubs.....hope they do still make them, but I only have a choice of
Penguins or Chunky KitKats ...oh and choccy Hobnobs......

MikeR - 14/3/11 at 08:59 PM

Can we have milk chocolate hob nobs and tea? misses has a think for dark chocolate biscuits ..............

although if we're being flash, can i have battenburg?

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 09:01 PM

well on the plus side its the best response i've ever had to a post.
night guys.

McLannahan - 14/3/11 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Blake.....sorry.....I'm fresh out of popcorn .....DLT has just scoffed it all....

Mac........sugar in your cha? ....mmmm ... orange Clubs.....hope they do still make them, but I only have a choice of
Penguins or Chunky KitKats ...oh and choccy Hobnobs......

Not for me thanks Fozz, quite milky though and Tetley please? It'll have to be choccy hobbers the please!

I'll research the now urgent Club bar issue!

McLannahan - 14/3/11 at 09:05 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Can we have milk chocolate hob nobs and tea? misses has a think for dark chocolate biscuits ..............

although if we're being flash, can i have battenburg?

Oh no Mike!!! Dark chocolate?! What was god thinking?? It's evil I tell you and on biscuits???!!!

Having said that, just one exception......Jaffa cakes.....

mads - 14/3/11 at 09:05 PM

you can get them. bought 2 packs a few weeks ago from Morrisons - they were half price.

McLannahan - 14/3/11 at 09:08 PM

Originally posted by mads
you can get them. bought 2 packs a few weeks ago from Morrisons - they were half price.

Oh this is good news!!!

Tesco appear to sell them too....happy days! They're on the list......

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Agriv8
can I have a decaff as its too late for leaded coffee for me and chocolate given up for lent in the agriv8 house.

PS I Cut down to one cup of coffee a day and one cup of tea - 4 weeks in and talk about cold turkey ( from up to 7 or 8 cupps strong coffe 2 spoons of instant ) worse than giving up a 20 fags a day ( not quite true but it feels that way ) but doctos orders are doctors orders.

anyhow fozzie you fully mended yet ?

regards agriv8

Yep I can do you a decaff ..... ......I'm cutting down from the Rocket Fuel (yes it is called that), as in, only drink it in the mornings, then it's on to Espresso (percol) ......I feel for you Agri ..... I do love my coffee ....can't imagine starting the day without it
But if the docs say you must, then you must....

Fully mended?, not yet.....been a bit hard to get over this one, and I'm about 4 weeks post-op.........ah well each day gets that bit better.
Thank you for asking...

blakep82 - 14/3/11 at 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Blake.....sorry.....I'm fresh out of popcorn .....DLT has just scoffed it all....

dave lee travis? is he still on the go?

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 09:17 PM

Excellent news re the Orange Clubs.....also on list ...

Mike......Could you please ask your better half if Chilli Choc is ok? I don't have any plain bics,
but I do have a bar of Lindt dark Chilli Choc which as its for her I don't mind sharing...
Battenburg ...sorry I haven't....ooooo yes I have!!!!!!!!!!! but its only the Kipling little individual ones .....

Daddylonglegs - 14/3/11 at 09:18 PM

Oooh! Orange Club biscuits, takes me back

And sorry, but what's the point of Decaf coffee? The more caffeine the better I say

2 spoons of brown sugar in mine please and that's the cane sugar, NOT the other kind

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Mr Wibble.........I do not recall anyone talking of taking recreational drugs before, during, or after Nick's thread,
if I am incorrect please do show me the post.

As for being 'rattled'......................Mr clearly do NOT know me.......

Coffee and Hobnobs anyone?

sorry cant resist this, so breaking the speed limit is a crime, so is illegal drug use. there both a crime, but your saying drugs are worse? so i guy can smoke a spliff and mind his own business at home not harming anyone but, someone can drive at dangerously high speed at its "ok"?

so speeding is "ok" as long as there are no drugs involved.

i think thats terribly hippocritical.

whats really wound me up, is that i post about someone elses mistake, and i somehow have to defend his actions, especially as the post i made explaining i don't condone his actions in the slightest has been deleted!

i think fozzie, and i understand u give ur free time, and its a difficult job to do, that you have a personal grudge against drug use whatever that is, and i agree it can be a terrible terrible thing, but you don't seem to be applying the same standards accross the forum and THAT is what i'm pi**ed with.

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 09:20 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by Fozzie
Blake.....sorry.....I'm fresh out of popcorn .....DLT has just scoffed it all....

dave lee travis? is he still on the go?

LOL's Stu's alter ego ...The Hairy Cornflake ... (beard)

scootz - 14/3/11 at 09:26 PM

Dammit... have I missed the coffee-break!?

If not, milk and one sugar please and I'll bring the...

Daddylonglegs - 14/3/11 at 09:31 PM

2 can play at tha game scootz....



[Edited on 14/3/11 by Daddylonglegs]

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 09:33 PM

Originally posted by mrwibble
Originally posted by Fozzie
Mr Wibble.........I do not recall anyone talking of taking recreational drugs before, during, or after Nick's thread,
if I am incorrect please do show me the post.

As for being 'rattled'......................Mr clearly do NOT know me.......

Coffee and Hobnobs anyone?

sorry cant resist this, so breaking the speed limit is a crime, so is illegal drug use. there both a crime, but your saying drugs are worse? so i guy can smoke a spliff and mind his own business at home not harming anyone but, someone can drive at dangerously high speed at its "ok"?

so speeding is "ok" as long as there are no drugs involved.

i think thats terribly hippocritical.

whats really wound me up, is that i post about someone elses mistake, and i somehow have to defend his actions, especially as the post i made explaining i don't condone his actions in the slightest has been deleted!

i think fozzie, and i understand u give ur free time, and its a difficult job to do, that you have a personal grudge against drug use whatever that is, and i agree it can be a terrible terrible thing, but you don't seem to be applying the same standards accross the forum and THAT is what i'm pi**ed with.

Eeerrrrr No do you know that the speeds were performed on the road? ......and not a race track/airfield/ abroad......

Breaking the law on the road be it either speed, drink, drugs or anything else is not on, at any time .....

There are only 2 people that can delete threads at any time, and within a certain time limit the OP can also do so.....
I have not deleted any threads by you at any that only leaves the site owner ChrisW, or indeed, as it is within 'time'

I have at no time stated that breaking the speed limit is OK, I suggest you read it all again...

I am still looking for this 'fastest speed on a Public Highway' that you said Nick 205 asked for?

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 09:33 PM

mr speaker, please ask the honourable members to stop with the choclates and answer the question.

David Jenkins - 14/3/11 at 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Blake.....sorry.....I'm fresh out of popcorn .....DLT has just scoffed it all....

Mac........sugar in your cha? ....mmmm ... orange Clubs.....hope they do still make them, but I only have a choice of
Penguins or Chunky KitKats ...oh and choccy Hobnobs......

We've just discovered that they make hobnobs covered in dark chocolate!

Bang goes my diet...

whitestu - 14/3/11 at 09:36 PM


Originally posted by Agriv8
can I have a decaff as its too late for leaded coffee for me and chocolate given up for lent in the agriv8 house.

PS I Cut down to one cup of coffee a day and one cup of tea - 4 weeks in and talk about cold turkey ( from up to 7 or 8 cupps strong coffe 2 spoons of instant ) worse than giving up a 20 fags a day ( not quite true but it feels that way ) but doctos orders are doctors orders.

anyhow fozzie you fully mended yet ?

regards agriv8

Yep I can do you a decaff ..... ......I'm cutting down from the Rocket Fuel (yes it is called that), as in, only drink it in the mornings, then it's on to Espresso (percol) ......I feel for you Agri ..... I do love my coffee ....can't imagine starting the day without it
But if the docs say you must, then you must....

Fully mended?, not yet.....been a bit hard to get over this one, and I'm about 4 weeks post-op.........ah well each day gets that bit better.
Thank you for asking...

I find a decent cup of coffee helps me sleep!

maybe I'd be captain slow if I tried charlie! [not that I have or ever would]


Daddylonglegs - 14/3/11 at 09:37 PM

Who is this Charlie anyway Stu?

BTW, does he like coffe and biscuits too?

[Edited on 14/3/11 by Daddylonglegs]

blakep82 - 14/3/11 at 09:37 PM

bit of a mix up of two threads fozzie

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Dammit... have I missed the coffee-break!?

If not, milk and one sugar please ...

No, not too late at all. I've just refilled the Gaggia, and warmed the tea-pot for the tea drinkers, and just about to slice the fruit I have now run out of biccies the Hobnobs are very welcome......

scootz - 14/3/11 at 09:39 PM

David Jenkins - 14/3/11 at 09:40 PM

Did somebody mention rocket fuel? I'll have a double espresso. please... though I doubt whether I'll sleep for a few hours afterwards...

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 09:40 PM

oh come on, so if i'd said, my brother might of seen mr bronson before we got in the car, you would of let it slide? people use caveats like "on a private road" all the time and we both know its b*llo*. i even stated i think we were doing 80 before we crashed, which u didn't object to, it was the drugs reference that got you all excited and trigger happy

this website is great, but it does ultimately promote the use of speed, much like top gear, and speeding is illegal.

i guess the ultimate punishment for my brothers excesses was his crash, why this isn't lesson enough i dont understand...

Agriv8 - 14/3/11 at 09:42 PM

Right decided you can keep you coffee, Terry Pratchet and a bottle of black sheep rigwhelter as i am on the 11pm bottle feed of the new addition to the clan.

Fozzie get yourself sorted the forum would likley 'self implode' if you didnt 'bring us back from the edge now and again'

ATB agriv8

PS politicians dont answer the quistion that how they get elected in the FIRST PLACE

daviep - 14/3/11 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by mrwibble
Originally posted by Fozzie
Mr Wibble.........I do not recall anyone talking of taking recreational drugs before, during, or after Nick's thread,
if I am incorrect please do show me the post.

As for being 'rattled'......................Mr clearly do NOT know me.......

Coffee and Hobnobs anyone?

sorry cant resist this, so breaking the speed limit is a crime, so is illegal drug use. there both a crime, but your saying drugs are worse? so i guy can smoke a spliff and mind his own business at home not harming anyone but, someone can drive at dangerously high speed at its "ok"?

so speeding is "ok" as long as there are no drugs involved.

i think thats terribly hippocritical.

whats really wound me up, is that i post about someone elses mistake, and i somehow have to defend his actions, especially as the post i made explaining i don't condone his actions in the slightest has been deleted!

i think fozzie, and i understand u give ur free time, and its a difficult job to do, that you have a personal grudge against drug use whatever that is, and i agree it can be a terrible terrible thing, but you don't seem to be applying the same standards accross the forum and THAT is what i'm pi**ed with.

Tell me if this sounds like a stupid story?

"me and my brother went out for thrash while he was coked out his head, nearly wiped out another driver, pretty cool huh?"

That is how your original post came over.

Nobody cares what your brother chooses to do in the privacy of his own home it was the bit where he decided to play russian roulette with innocent peoples lives which is out of order,and you condoned those actions by getting in a car with him. By your own admission "bro had been hitting the charlie all week in his new motor and was driving like a loon" doesn't exactly sound as if you were an unsuspecting passenger.

If you didn't want anybodys thoughts on your/ your brother lifestyles then it was stupid to post a story on a public forum.

By the way I didn't pass any judgement on either of you in your original thread, merely pointed out that after taking some pretty poor decisions it didn't make either of you look too clever to boast about it later.


mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 09:47 PM

Originally posted by daviep
Originally posted by mrwibble
Originally posted by Fozzie
Mr Wibble.........I do not recall anyone talking of taking recreational drugs before, during, or after Nick's thread,
if I am incorrect please do show me the post.

As for being 'rattled'......................Mr clearly do NOT know me.......

Coffee and Hobnobs anyone?

sorry cant resist this, so breaking the speed limit is a crime, so is illegal drug use. there both a crime, but your saying drugs are worse? so i guy can smoke a spliff and mind his own business at home not harming anyone but, someone can drive at dangerously high speed at its "ok"?

so speeding is "ok" as long as there are no drugs involved.

i think thats terribly hippocritical.

whats really wound me up, is that i post about someone elses mistake, and i somehow have to defend his actions, especially as the post i made explaining i don't condone his actions in the slightest has been deleted!

i think fozzie, and i understand u give ur free time, and its a difficult job to do, that you have a personal grudge against drug use whatever that is, and i agree it can be a terrible terrible thing, but you don't seem to be applying the same standards accross the forum and THAT is what i'm pi**ed with.

Tell me if this sounds like a stupid story?

"me and my brother went out for thrash while he was coked out his head, nearly wiped out another driver, pretty cool huh?"

That is how your original post came over.

Nobody cares what your brother chooses to do in the privacy of his own home it was the bit where he decided to play russian roulette with innocent peoples lives which is out of order,and you condoned those actions by getting in a car with him. By your own admission "bro had been hitting the charlie all week in his new motor and was driving like a loon" doesn't exactly sound as if you were an unsuspecting passenger.

If you didn't want anybodys thoughts on your/ your brother lifestyles then it was stupid to post a story on a public forum.

By the way I didn't pass any judgement on either of you in your original thread, merely pointed out that after taking some pretty poor decisions it didn't make either of you look too clever to boast about it later.


I'm sorru if my original post didn't come accross well, i did post something along the lines of "just to make it clear" where i did expyess my belief in not doing drugs and driving, and not condoning anyone who does. i also posted i didn't know he was high, he just pulled up and told me to jump in. however my just to make it clear thread seems to of been deleted...

i wasn't trying to boast i was merely explaining quite why we had such a episode and lucky escape.

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 09:48 PM

p.s people who are high don't have green steam coming from their ears...

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 09:50 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
bit of a mix up of two threads fozzie

Thanks for that Blake....

That second thread though, still flummoxes me with the relevance to the point in question that the site condones speeding.....
oh well!

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Originally posted by blakep82
bit of a mix up of two threads fozzie

Thanks for that Blake....

That second thread though, still flummoxes me with the relevance to the point in question that the site condones speeding.....
oh well!

bah i was hoping for better

anyway, my bed time.

loggyboy - 14/3/11 at 10:04 PM

As I said, why not just remove the offending text rather than lock the whole thread?

Fozzie himself said, the subject matter is ok......

And to clairfy, I have moderated on a couple of forums, and understand the difficulties faced, however, I also beleive the lightest touch commands the most respect.

scootz - 14/3/11 at 10:06 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Fozzie himself...

Have you had a sex-change and not told us Fozz?

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 10:06 PM

lol bit late their mate i think the battles over...

McLannahan - 14/3/11 at 10:06 PM

It's Mrs Fozzie Logster....

tomgregory2000 - 14/3/11 at 10:08 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
As I said, why not just remove the offending text rather than lock the whole thread?

Fozzie himself said, the subject matter is ok......

And to clairfy, I have moderated on a couple of forums, and understand the difficulties faced, however, I also beleive the lightest touch commands the most respect.

Tut tut, she not he

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 10:08 PM

and may i add where the F were you letting me take all the heat, u started this bloody thread

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 10:09 PM

Originally posted by tomgregory2000
Originally posted by loggyboy
As I said, why not just remove the offending text rather than lock the whole thread?

Fozzie himself said, the subject matter is ok......

And to clairfy, I have moderated on a couple of forums, and understand the difficulties faced, however, I also beleive the lightest touch commands the most respect.

Tut tut, she not he

well shes got plenty of bol**x

[Edited on 14/3/11 by mrwibble]

Daddylonglegs - 14/3/11 at 10:52 PM

I wonder how many pages this one will make?

Must stop watching this one, I might miss a bargain somewhere

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 10:52 PM

Why thank you kind sirs.....

Scootz .... sex change?.....nah .....

To cut long story very short ......

Last May I had to have a lump (growing in) cut out from my was done by a wide margin excision (eliptical).
Now if I put my arm in a certain position you could sit a golf ball in it and tee-off...... All the nasties were 'self contained'
and the 'wide margin' histology was good.

My sister also had one but on the other arm, so she thought she had better go and get it checked....hers sadly turned out to be an aggressive soft tissue sarcoma. She has just finished her radiotherapy.

With her bad news, I decided I better get the 'biggie' that I had kept quiet about, checked over and as I had in the meantime changed GP's, I had a bit more confidence. I saw the consultant on Christmas eve, and had the op in the middle of Feb.

It was in the words of the surgeon very big, I did see it in a jar (size of a satsuma) and he said that it was only 1/4 of the original size, as he had 'broken' it. He told me that he was convinced it was one thing, and it turned out not to be.....He sent it off to histology. Many stitches later....and now a few weeks on.....the pain is getting less frequent but the bruising is still pretty bad.

The good news for me is that I haven't heard anything back from histology yet, so I am assuming that this one was again another 'self contained' one with NFA.
I think because it was very big, it has upset my muscles in that area, hence the pain.....but every day is a bit better....

Daddylonglegs - 14/3/11 at 10:56 PM

Blimey Fozz!

Here's to a complete 'get better' for you both

scootz - 14/3/11 at 11:08 PM

Ay caramba... so what were you doing putting the kettle on earlier in the thread!? Surely you should have been sitting with your feet up whilst on of us did the necessary!

Hope you get back to full fighting fitness soon!

MikeR - 14/3/11 at 11:13 PM

Fozzie - knew you'd had an op, didn't realise it was that big. More best wishes and hope your recovery is as speedy as possible from me.

Scootz - can i buy the hob nobs when you sell them for a half price in a few days time?

carpmart - 14/3/11 at 11:31 PM

Bloody hell Fozzie, that sounds painful! Pleased that you're on the mend!!!!

Dangle_kt - 14/3/11 at 11:31 PM


having spent lots of time on much MUCH worse moderated forums, I just wanted to say "thanks" this place is amazingly well run.

oh, and having just read you latest post.

I also want to say


Only kidding, get well soon!

[Edited on 14/3/11 by Dangle_kt]

Fozzie - 15/3/11 at 12:11 AM

Awww Thanks guys xx....

I am so much better now.......Since my op, I have not missed
a day on the forum, I just haven't written much (until now ; ).....

Scootzie .... RaceRetro was my first day out....t'was quite painful,
and so tired when I got back, I didn't do a write up...sorry
But........I did upload the pics to my archive.

Might sound strange...but I do feel more comfy standing up......

Anyway.............every day is a bit better.....

Agriv8 - 15/3/11 at 07:42 AM

Cheers for the update fozzie. not sure all that typing is good phisio though.

fingers crossed for continued improvment ( to your siss as well ) and that the tests keep coming backnegative.

Atb Agriv8 ( just about to have my first cuppa ) !! no chocolate bikkie though.

jollygreengiant - 15/3/11 at 09:40 AM

Listen folk's I've just got in from a long night shift and am just playing catch-up. Is it too late for the tea & bickies while I slurp on a long G&T before I go to bed. Oh I see some-one mentioned Jaffa Cakes, in that case anyone got some dairylea or primula spread to go on them. YUMM YUMM .

Oh and I might have some popcorn somewhere.

David Jenkins - 15/3/11 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
Oh I see some-one mentioned Jaffa Cakes, in that case anyone got some dairylea or primula spread to go on them. YUMM YUMM .

I feel ill...

nick205 - 15/3/11 at 11:23 AM

Fozzie - wasn't aware you had been suffering, but glad to hear you're on the mend.

All the best for a full and speedy (within the legal limit ) recovery.


loggyboy - 15/3/11 at 01:29 PM

Apologies for the Gender mix up!

On a further note, why hasnt the thread where everyone is blantantly advocating speeding not been locked? Surely lots of people claiming to have driven at over twice the legal limit is just as bad as someone mentioning their stupid brother drug drove?

blakep82 - 15/3/11 at 01:37 PM

^ find me the post where it says any of this took place on a public road

loggyboy - 15/3/11 at 01:54 PM


blakep82 - 15/3/11 at 02:00 PM

grow up

Ninehigh - 16/3/11 at 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Agriv8
can I have a decaff as its too late for leaded coffee for me and chocolate given up for lent in the agriv8 house.

PS I Cut down to one cup of coffee a day and one cup of tea - 4 weeks in and talk about cold turkey ( from up to 7 or 8 cupps strong coffe 2 spoons of instant ) worse than giving up a 20 fags a day ( not quite true but it feels that way ) but doctos orders are doctors orders.

regards agriv8

While at work I pretty much solidly drink coffee from 9pm to 7am... I'm on day 3 of a week off and not touched any. So far I've been up at 6.30am ish and feeling ready for bed by 3pm... I hope that gets better!

Agriv8 - 17/3/11 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by Agriv8
can I have a decaff as its too late for leaded coffee for me and chocolate given up for lent in the agriv8 house.

PS I Cut down to one cup of coffee a day and one cup of tea - 4 weeks in and talk about cold turkey ( from up to 7 or 8 cupps strong coffe 2 spoons of instant ) worse than giving up a 20 fags a day ( not quite true but it feels that way ) but doctos orders are doctors orders.

regards agriv8

While at work I pretty much solidly drink coffee from 9pm to 7am... I'm on day 3 of a week off and not touched any. So far I've been up at 6.30am ish and feeling ready for bed by 3pm... I hope that gets better!

dont forget your body is used to the fluid as well as the caffine I am now drinking 3 pints of water ( spaced througout the day ).

Starting tofeel a little more switched on but the main benefit if the 8 week old gets us up at 3am I can get back to sleep after gettinghim off.

main down side reading a 200 technical tender response is Flipin hard without cafine to keep the brain cells on edge, but feel a lot more laid back my coffe drinking dates back to nights ( 1 week out of 3 ).

Definatly feeling the benefit after 4 or 5 weeks.



MakeEverything - 17/3/11 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Apologies for the Gender mix up!

On a further note, why hasnt the thread where everyone is blantantly advocating speeding not been locked? Surely lots of people claiming to have driven at over twice the legal limit is just as bad as someone mentioning their stupid brother drug drove?

The isle of man roads are "Public Highway", as are the autobahns and autoroutes.

cliftyhanger - 17/3/11 at 02:12 PM

Not too much of th eunrestricted roads left on IoM these days, seems the speed limits are going further and further from the towns
Still, nice place to visit

steve m - 17/3/11 at 02:25 PM

I have to agree about the pointless thread about how fast have you driven. of which i doubt 20% had even achieved there written speed, hence me stating i had done over 200mph

The bit i feel we are losing, is that this forum originly was set about for us self builders of the book built sportscar. and 99% of the threads/comments were purely "build related questions"

But now the forum is filled up crap, mostly from twits who could not wire a plug, let alone build an Airfix model!

This place used to be the holy grail of all car related petrol heads, but has degenerated into mindless tittle tattle


mrwibble - 17/3/11 at 04:01 PM

as the mindless twat who started the afore mentioned thread, purely for the sake of sh*ts and giggles, can i ask we draw a line under this thread and let it die please. i still think it was just a bit of fun, but i'm tired of people not understanding why it was started and assuming because i didn't lace the thread with caveats about how i don't condone silly actions, its assumed i'm an idiot.


Liam - 17/3/11 at 05:04 PM

Oooh! Instant ban for language like that...

Mr G - 17/3/11 at 05:48 PM

Originally posted by steve m
I have to agree about the pointless thread about how fast have you driven. of which i doubt 20% had even achieved there written speed, hence me stating i had done over 200mph

The bit i feel we are losing, is that this forum originly was set about for us self builders of the book built sportscar. and 99% of the threads/comments were purely "build related questions"

But now the forum is filled up crap, mostly from twits who could not wire a plug, let alone build an Airfix model!

This place used to be the holy grail of all car related petrol heads, but has degenerated into mindless tittle tattle
