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Half decent wax
stevebubs - 19/3/11 at 06:30 PM

Had new car delivered week before last and just spent the afternoon cleaning it.

Last thing I did was a coat of Autoglym Resin Polish, but would like to seal the bodywork in a little.

Any recommendations on an easy to apply, long-lasting wax?


sdh2903 - 19/3/11 at 06:42 PM

I can highly reccomend Colinite 476 or finish kare fk1000p, easy to use and if you give a decent coat will last 6 months easy. Both very good on alloys too.

stevebubs - 19/3/11 at 06:51 PM

I should also add "readily available on the high street (i.e. Halfords)" as I'd like to apply it tomorrow

Paul (Notts) - 19/3/11 at 07:21 PM

Autogliym resin polish ...then
Autoglym high gloss finish then
Maguiars wax

Gives a long lasting polish and protection. Lasted a good six months on my ST

stevebubs - 19/3/11 at 07:37 PM

OK...already got the high gloss it's meguirs wax I'm missing...which one?

loggyboy - 19/3/11 at 07:41 PM

3 for 2 at halfords - get these 3:

smooth kit with clay bar

Carnuba Wax (for when you run out of the cleaner wax that comes in the above kit)[/

Detailing spray (for when you run out of the one that comes in the above kit)

[Edited on 19/3/11 by loggyboy]