Check out how quick things get fixed in Japan!
Thats what you get with the Japanese ruthless drive for quality and efficiency, here in the UK we couldnt get the comittee of quality manager, efficiency manger, resource manager, + all the other hangers on into a meeting in that time span. Let alone get a Navvy on minimum wage to drop a shovel full of asphalt into a hole, across the board front line public sector workers are let down by crap politically correct, HSE contious middle management...
Though it is worth reading the comments at the end of the page regarding Japanese government's tax gathering and spending...
[Edited on 25/3/11 by David Jenkins]
Cant see the comments as im at work, but i have also been impressed be the roads in wales. Partiuarly the A487/470/44 around aberwysth.
They where better than some roads round here (staffordshire) before they started but over the last month they have had a stack load of new blacktop
down, remarked, with cast glass/rubber cateyes and the works. I dont know where they are getting the money and clearly there heavy traffic roads for
the size but they are not patching or tar&chipping over the old, its a good job and it makes a nice road. Which is very nice when you setting off
at 4am with a 3hour drive ahead of you before starting work on monday!