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Race Ace any good?
owelly - 24/4/11 at 03:26 PM

I have RaceChrono on my Symbian phone but now I'm all Android, is there sommats similar. I've found a free RaceAce but wanted your opinion.

blakep82 - 24/4/11 at 05:54 PM

well, its free, so why not try it yourself?
i just downloaded it, but not tried it yet. might stick it on next time i drive anywhere, just to see what its saying

owelly - 25/4/11 at 09:07 PM

I've had a quick go with Race Ace and it doesn't seem to play with Google maps. I've also had a brief fiddle with Clockwork Autothingy and it's much the same as Race Ace. Come on Race Chrono, get with the Android programme!!