Why do they easily roll over a power lead but never back ?
Could be due to more weight on one end of the board? I dont know, just a guess.
And what sort of strange force makes whatever tool you want hide under the creeper and stays there until you have to crawl out to look for it?
The same force that dictates that if I drop a screw, nut or fuse (or something else equally small) it won't land anywhere I can reach or see
And dropping a slice of buttered bread.....
Similarly, when your carrying something with both hands, and you approach the washing line full of crisp bed linen, why does the sheet hang limp as
you approach, then just as you pass by it, it billows up and knots round your head, and gets covered in garage gunk from whatever your carrying.
Yup, the world is full of inexplicable weirdness !
My garage is full of time/space continuum vortices. For instance, when I was under the car last night, fitting the seat belt mounting plates, I put
the 1/2" ratchet on the floor and when I reached for it, it had gone! I found it by the bench vice
SWIMBO says it's because I'm an old git and wander around with bits of the car in my hands and forget where I left them, Cheek!!!
Yeah I get that, which is why I make a habit of putting some things in the same place e.g the car keys always get put in the same place, and if they're not there someone's moved them... No-one realises I do this, and when I explain I get "how do you know you always put them there?"