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Comissioned car drawings
eznfrank - 7/5/11 at 08:24 PM

A lad I used to work with does drawings of cars and is now doing comissioned pieces. There is a link to some of his work HERE, he can be contacted on Facebook or if you're not an FB'er then drop me a line and I'll ping you his email.

Daddylonglegs - 7/5/11 at 08:32 PM

Pretty impressive work there. I reckon he could make a few squids from that

StevieB - 7/5/11 at 09:23 PM

Good work, and a real refreshing change not to see the usual cartoon style drawings that have become so common.

coyoteboy - 7/5/11 at 11:08 PM

Yeah, they're really nice. Question is what sort of price?

eznfrank - 8/5/11 at 07:24 AM

I'll ask him for a price guide, I think he's doing a website at the minute so will have more info on there

RazMan - 8/5/11 at 08:44 AM

Nice work - he obviously loves cars!